The Issues tab is available on every record and displays all the instances of issuing documents related to that record. From this tab, you can create different document issues with various documents and send them to multiple recipients. The documents can be issued as hard copies or via email.
The Issues widget shows all the document issues that have been created for the record you are viewing. This includes all the issues that have been created and issues that have been processed.
option allows you to view a summary of the issued documents and recipients. Select the checkboxes next to each individual document issue you wish to review or select the checkbox at the top to select all.
Clicking will open a pop-up with the summary of the issues you selected. You can see the date of issue, all the documents that have been issued, and to who and the issue reason.
Click to export the register as a PDF document. Click
to close the pop-up.
Documents History widget shows you all the documents that have been added to any of the document issues listed in the Issues widget above. The columns within the widget can be filtered by clicking. For more information on how to use the filters please see Filters. Clicking on the document name will open a preview of the document
You can filter the documents by status, recipients, and DMS library where the documents are stored. Clicking will export the document list.
Clicking the Recipient filter will show you a dropdown with all the recipients that have been added to the document issues.
The Status filter can be used to filter documents based on the document issue status :
Attached - these are all the documents that are attached to the document issues.
Processed - these are all the documents that are attached to processed document issues.
Unprocessed - these are all the documents that are attached to unprocessed document issues.
All Versions - in cases where there is more than 1 version of the same document issued, this filter will show you all the different document versions.
Current Versions - in cases where there is more than 1 version of the same document issued, this filter will show you only the current document versions.
Library filter allows you to filter the document list based on the document location within the DMS.
Clicking the icon will show more details about the document such as recipient name, issue date, issue number and document issue reason.
To create a document issue click. A page below will open:
Enter any issue notes in the Issue notes box, if required. The notes provided here will be included in the issue sheet that is generated when the issue is processed. The text entered in the Email message box will be sent via email to all the recipients.
Use the search to find the recipients for your issue. A single contact, organisation and mailing group can be searched and selected as recipients for a document issue.
Clicking will open a pop-up listing all records related to the record.
Select recipients individually by ticking the or use
to select all recipients.
Click to close the pop-up. Click
to save your selection.
The recipients will be added to the Recipients widget.
If adding a mailing group as a recipient, all contacts within that mailing group will be added to the recipients list and they can be individually removed using the icon. If you select an organisation as the recipient, the email address on the organisation record page will be used to send the document issue.
In the Delivery Type dropdown you can select whether the documents need to be issued as attachments or DMS links via email or as hard copies. The delivery type can be selected for each recipient separately. If you select the hard copy option that means the document issuing will be dealt with offline, such as sending them via post. You can select a specific paper size (A1, A2 etc.) that will be posted. If you select attachment or DMS links option that means the documents will be emailed to the desired recipients as email attachments or the recipients will have to log in to the system to access the documents you send.
When you select Hard copy as the delivery type, you can change the number of copies that will be sent to each recipient. When the delivery type is set to email, the number of copies will always be 1 and that cannot be changed. You can use the arrows to increase or reduce the number of copies per recipient.
To find documents to issue you can use the search and type in the document name or open the DMS and find the document there.
Clicking will open the DMS and you can search the available folders to find the relevant file.
Select the desired file and click. The file will be added to your attachments list.
To remove any documents you no longer wish to issue, click the icon.
You can select a reason for issuing a specific document using the dropdown.
When you have finished adding all the attachments and selected the relevant recipients, click.
Click if you no longer wish to create a new document issue.
If you click a pop-up will open:
Click to create the issue. Click
to cancel.
When your issue is saved, you will get an option to edit, process and clone the newly created issue.
allows you to edit the issue and add & remove attachments or recipients. You can only edit a document issue until the issue is processed. Once the issue is processed, you will no longer be able to edit it and will have to create a new issue.
allows you to process the issue. This will send all the attachments including the issue sheet to the selected recipients. If
option is not available that could be because there are no attachments added to the document issue or there are no recipients selected to issue the documents.
allows you to clone the issue - a new issue will be created containing the same list of attachments and recipients as the issue being cloned. This is useful if you want to issue multiple sets of documents to a similar list of recipients as you will only need to remove existing or add new recipients.
takes you back to the document issue list.
To send the issue to the selected recipients, click . A pop-up will open where you need to select the location for saving the issue sheet. Issue sheet shows you the summary of the issue including the list of recipients, their addresses, documents issued and any notes made by the creator of the document issue. Select the DMS folder and click
The issue will be processed and a time stamp will be added to indicate when the documents were sent and by who. All the recipients will receive an email informing them that they were issued with some documents as well as an email with the issued documents. This is because the issued documents could be large files and some email servers have file size restrictions and the recipients might not receive the email with the attachments. In such cases the recipients should contact the person who issued the documents to them.
On processed issues an option to view the issue will be available. Clicking will open a preview of the issue sheet. The Issue sheet can be downloaded to your computer in PDF format by clicking
Clicking will download a zip folder containing all the attachments within the document issue. Clicking
allows you to resend the document issue. You will only be able to resend the document issue if the delivery type for at least one recipient was set as email and not hard copy. A pop-up will open containing all the previous recipients of the document issue. Select the recipients you want to resend the document issue by ticking the
Click to select all the recipients in the pop-up. Clicking
will send the email with all the attached documents and the issue sheet to all the selected recipients. Clicking
will close the pop-up.
Clicking allows you to clone the issue - a new issue will be created containing the same list of attachments and recipients as the issue being cloned. This is useful if you want to issue multiple sets of documents to a similar list of recipients as you will only need to remove existing or add new recipients.