Under links you can see any links between the current record and any other record on the system; clicking on the name of any record will take you that record. From here you can see the record type, the name of the record, when the record was last updated, and the type of link that has been made. An example Links tab is shown below.
There are two types of links that can be made; Generic and Non-Generic.
Generic links are made when you simply want to link two records together; to add a link between the current record and another record click on Record Search. Type in the first three letters of the record name and this will generate a drop down menu; selecting a record from the dropdown will generate the box shown below.
Clicking Yes will add a link between the two records; this link will be shown on both records. Clicking No will close the box and return you to the links tab.
To delete a generic link click on the button next to the link; this will generate the popup shown below.
Click Yes to confirm the removal of the link; the link will be removed from both records. Clicking No will close the box and return you to the links tab. Note that only generic links can be deleted; these must be removed from the record where they were created.
On the parent organisation record all the child organisations will show the Child Organisation links. When on the child organisation records, the links will show as Parent Organisation to help you distinguish which organisation is the parent and which organisations are child organisations.
For links to Contacts and Organisations there is the option to set security, clicking on this will open the box shown below. From here you can grant access for that contact & organisation to view the record that they are linked to; clicking Yes under Allocate Access will grant them access, clicking No will remove access. Visible by shows all contacts & organisations that are able to view the current record.
Non-generic links on the other hand are links that are made by the application and are tied to a specific action on that record. For example, if you have been added as a Project Manager a non-generic link will be made to your contact record describing the nature of the link, in this case, it would be 'Manager'. Non-generic links can only be removed by removing your action against the record, in this example if the Project Manager was changed to another contact the non-generic link to that project would no longer appear on your contact record.