Records within iSite cannot be deleted. However, there is the ability to obsolete a record; only users with the appropriate security access will be able to view obsolete records. This function could be used if a record was created by mistake, or if for example a project was cancelled and you wished to hide it from view.
To obsolete a record click on the trash can which is located in the top right corner of the record page.
On each search page, obsoleted records are hidden by default.
Should you wish to find obsolete records, you will need to open Custom Filters and change the Is Obsolete filter to Yes then click apply.
If at a later date you wish to make the record active again you can 'Un-Obsolete' the record. On obsolete records you will notice that the option to obsolete has been replaced by the Un-obsolete option, this will restore the record and once again make it available to the appropriate users.