The user has the ability to search for Work Order records currently in the system. These are accessed via the ‘Search Work Order’ menu option.
The following Work order search screen is displayed. The user has the ability to select the column headings they want to see and they would navigate to the record they want to view in detail by clicking on the WO number link.
Editing Work Orders
Users with permissions will be able to edit Work orders in various ways. To edit the work order details, the user would access this by selecting the ‘Edit’ icon, which will open up the edit screen
The WO screen is now displayed with editable fields for the user to update.
WO – Assign Supplier / Engineer
Once a work order is created from the SR, it needs to be assigned to either a Supplier or Engineer to carry out the work. This is done by editing the WO and populating the relevant field and it cannot be both. The system will allow one or the other and will prompt accordingly if both fields are populated. The user would assign the Supplier / Engineer within the responsibility section of the WO. If a Supplier is selected, then the contact details will be brought across from the organisation record. If an Engineer is required, and they are linked to the Property, the they will appear in a list to select from. Engineers are normally internally employed resources.
WO – Clone
The user has the ability to Clone WOs if they require multiple trades to complete the work. Each cloned WO will have the original data transferred onto it and the user will need to amend whatever they need to reflect the requirement of that WO. E.g. one WO for a plumber, another for an Electrician etc. Each will be required to do something different. So, the details that may need to change are, Category, Description, scheduled times etc. Each of the cloned WOs will automatically be linked to the originating SR. So, if the user was viewing the SR, they will see that there are multiple WOs linked to it. The cloned screen that is displayed will look similar to the edit screen.
WO – Cancel
The system will allow the WO to be cancelled. The rule for cancelling is that no work has been carried out that incurs a cost. Once some work has been carried out, the WO should be cancelled. If the WO has not been assigned and is at Awaiting Schedule status, then the WO can be cancelled. Once the WO is at Approved status, then the WO cannot be cancelled as it has been agreed that the work will commence.
The following prompt is displayed, and the user must select a reason for cancelling and enter a comment.
WO – Return
There will be occasions when a WO will be required to be returned. These occasions may be if the work cannot be completed, No access, instructed by the Help Desk to be re-routed to another job, Failed Risk Assessment etc.
The following icon is used to return a WO.
The system will prompt for a reason for the return. The user will have to select a reason and to add a comment as to why the WO is being returned. It is mandatory to enter a comment.
The WO record status will now change to Returned.
Putting WO ‘On Hold’
Work Orders can be put On Hold for varying reasons. This will stop the clock for the duration the WO is on Hold.
The following prompt is displayed, and the user will select what the reason is for putting the WO On Hold and to add a comment to back up the reason.
Notification will be sent to Reporter alerting them the WO has been put On Hold. The status of the WO will change to On Hold.
Resuming an On Hold WO
When the work can recommence, the user can resume the WO by using the ‘Resume’ icon as shown below. Depending on the time the WO is on hold, the elapsed time will be added to the Target Finish Date/time
A notification will be sent to the Reporter to let them know that the work is now commencing, and the WO status will change to In Progress
Reschedule a WO
There will be times when a work order has to be rescheduled. The help desk would liaise with the end user and the supplier as to the best time to schedule the visit. This is done by entering in the Scheduled Start field the new date and time for the re-visit, by going into the edit function of the WO as shown below. Then save the record.
Once saved, the view screen will show the scheduled date. Once the schedule has been approved, a notification will be sent to the supplier / Engineer.
Note: The target Start date will now update in line with the new scheduled date.
Setting WO to Work Done
When all the work has been completed, the user will apply the next workflow icon to change the status to ‘Work Done’. By selecting the ‘Work Done’ Icon shown below.
The supplier / Engineer will be presented with a pop-up box for them to enter the details of work carried out. Upon saving the details, this detail will then populate the Completed Works details box on the WO. This will also populate the Actual Finish Time.
The Completed Work Details box is now populated with the details of work carried out.
Details from the prompt comments transferred to the Completed Details box.
The status of the work order then changes to ‘Work Done’ and the Actual Finish field populates with the finish time.
The reporter is notified that the work has been completed.
WO – Navigate to SR from WO record
The user has the ability to navigate to the linked SR from the WO screen. This is achieved by selecting the ‘Spanner’ icon as shown below.
From the WO screen, the associated linked SR screen is displayed
Generate WO PDF
Users are now able to manage WO prints outside of the workflow process directly from the WO record
When the ‘Generate Work Order PDF’ icon is selected, they user is presented with the following screen
From this screen, the user is able to Export to PDF. This will download to the users download folder, where they can then print out the document
If the user wants to send the PDF WO as an attachment, then they would select the ‘Send by Email’ option. They will be presented with e following screen. When ‘Send’ is selected, the PDF WO will then be sent to the Recipient
If the user requires to save the WO PDF to their Document management storage, then they would select the ‘Upload’ option. They will be presented with the following screen where they will select the relevant folder they want to save to
Work Order Audit
All changes and edits made to Work Order records can be viewed on the Audit Tab.
Here the user can see Who, What and When changes were made.
Work Order - Adding Notes
The user profiles can be configured so that users can add / edit or View Notes against a Work Order record. To add notes, the user would Add a note by using the ‘Add New Record’ button, then they would choose the relevant note type, add the note and then finally select the update button.
WO – Adding Documents
The user has the ability to upload Documents and images against the Work Order. This can be done via the Documents Tab. From here, the user would select which folder in the DMS library they want to document to be stored under and then select the ‘Upload’ button
The following screen is displayed. The user would locate the file they want to upload by selecting ‘Upload Documents’ button. They would then populate the relevant fields and then select the ‘ADD’ button. At this point, the document will be stored at the selected folder location.
Work Order – Generating Emails
In order to communicate with Engineers and suppliers, there is the ability to send out emails from the widget within the WO. This functionality allows the recipient of the email to respond, and these will all reside within the widget, so you have a trail of Outbound and Inbound communications.
To send an email from the WO, the user will select the ‘Generate Email’ button in the widget.
The following screen is displayed. Here the user can select a recipient as long as they have a contact or User account within the system. If this email is to go to a recipient not linked to the record, then the ‘Include not-linked to record’ check needs to be ticked. If this email is to go to the supplier, then enter the supplier’s Org name, if the Org is linked to the WO, it will appear to be selected. The user will then add the Subject and the email content. And then select ‘Send email’. If email not selected, then an error will be shown below the Recipient field to say ‘Please enter contact(s) to receive the email’
At this point, you will see an OUT Email listed and if there has been a response, then an IN email listed
Updating work completed details
Once the work has been completed, the details of the work carried out needs to be updated into the Completed Work Details box. This is done by entering comments in the comments at the prompt when changing the status of the work order to ‘Work Done’. Upon saving the prompt two things happen, the actual Finish Time is updated, and the comments are transferred to the Completed Work Details box. Additional details can still be added in this box by editing the record.
Comments transferred to the Completed Work Details box
Adding Costs to work order
Costs incurred on the work order can be captured in the financial section at the bottom of the record.
- Payment type
- LoL (Limit of Liability) - If Value exceeded by supplier, then a quote will be required
- WO Cost - Estimated - Estimate value to be entered here
- WO Cost - Net -
- WO Cost – Actual -
Purchase Orders and Invoice section
There will be times when a purchase order will be required to be raised against some work. These can be of types of service (sub-contractors), hiring tools, ordering materials, etc in order for the work to be completed. As all of the processing of purchasing will be completed in the ERP solution, we have added the ability to put information regarding the purchase orders against the work order record. We have two ways in which we can achieve this manually and via import.
Manually add Purchase Order data to Work Order
Using the ‘Add PO’ button
The user is presented with the following screen. From here, the relevant details obtained from the Finance / Purchasing team who may have raised the PO in an external system. The details required are as follows and are mandatory fields in order to save the details against the WO,
- Purchase Order Number
- Purchase Order Value
- Supplier (Delivering the service)
- Description of the requirement
- PO Type (Material, Service, Tool Hire etc)
- PO status (Awaiting Approval, Approved, Cancelled, Complete)
- GRN status (Goods Received note – Have we received the items or service)
Then select ‘Save PO’ button. At this point the PO data is now linked to the WO and can be seen as an added line
Import PO data linked to WO from ERP (This can be automated in the future)
We have also developed the ability to Import the PO data via a template. The same process is taken, by getting the information from the Finance / Purchasing team and then populating the PO Import template as shown below
Once the template is populated, the following process is followed to Import this data against the WO. The user with the correct permissions will Go to > Tools > Import > Upload menu option
The Import screen is displayed
From here the user will do the following,
- Import Name - (This will help to find the file when it is in history or has errors)
- Import frequency - (Have options to do now, weekly, monthly at set time/ frequency. But these require additional set up such as FTP for scheduled times where the file will be stored)
- Record Type – (Select Purchase Order)
- Column Mapping – This field is visible once record type is selected (Do not worry about)
- File Source Type – This field is visible once record type is selected (Where the file you want to load is stored. Local, DMS, FTP)
- Select the file – Select the file you want to upload
- Select ‘Import’ button
- File will import and a message will be presented to show Pass or Fail
- If Failure, then user will have to find the file in History and check what the errors reported and fix and then re-upload
If successful, then the user will see the line entry in the PO section of the relevant WO.
Manually add Invoice data to Work Order
To manually add invoice details associated to the linked PO follows the same process as adding a PO. The user would get the relevant information related to the PO that is linked to the WO from the finance / Purchasing team. The following details will need to be populated, but this time sing the ‘Add Invoice’ button.
The user is presented with the following screen. From here, the relevant details obtained from the Finance / Purchasing team who may have processed the Invoice for the PO in an external system. The details required are as follows and are mandatory fields in order to save the details against the WO,
- Invoice Number
- Invoice Value
- Supplier (Delivering the service on the PO)
- Description of the requirement
- Invoice status (Awaiting Invoice, Approved, Rejected, Paid)
- PO Number
Then select ‘Save Invoice’ button. At this point the Invoice data is now linked to the WO and can be seen as an added line
Import Invoice data linked to WO from ERP (This can be automated in the future)
We have also developed the ability to Import the Invoice data via a template. The same process is taken, by getting the information from the Finance / Purchasing team and then populating the Invoice Import template as shown below
The Import screen is displayed
From here the user will do the following,
- Import Name - (This will help to find the file when it is in history or has errors)
- Import frequency - (Have options to do now, weekly, monthly at set time/ frequency. But these require additional set up such as FTP for scheduled times where the file will be stored)
- Record Type – (Select Invoice)
- Column Mapping – This field is visible once record type is selected (Do not worry about)
- File Source Type – This field is visible once record type is selected (Where the file you want to load is stored. Local, DMS, FTP)
- Select the file – Select the file you want to upload
- Select ‘Import’ button
- File will import and a message will be presented to show Pass or Fail
- If Failure, then user will have to find the file in History and check what the errors reported and fix and then re-upload
If successful, then the user will see the line entry in the Invoice section of the relevant WO.
Note: Work Order will not be able to be moved to ‘Complete’ if the status of the PO is other than ‘Complete’ with GRN statuses at ‘Full/Complete’ statues and the Invoice is other than at status ‘Paid’
If PO is cancelled, then no invoice is expected.
PO, GRN and Invoice Statuses
PO Statuses
Awaiting Approval – PO not approved yet
Approved – PO has been approved to be processed
Complete – PO Process has been completed
Cancelled – PO Cancelled
GRN Statuses – (Goods Received Note)
Not Receipted – Items/services not received
Part Receipted – Part of items /service received, awaiting the remainder
Full Receipted – Items / Service received in Full and system update
Complete Receipts – E.g. Ordered 20, received 10, but will not be receiving the remainder. Not included in accrual on system
Invoice Statuses
Awaiting Invoice – Invoice pending
Approved – Received Invoice cross-matched and approved
Rejected – Invoice rejected. Note added to WO record with the reason for the rejection
Paid -Invoice Paid and WO can be completed