As part of the process, with a Help Desk type operation, the Self-Serve request will default to a SR type of Self-Serve and will default to a status of Pending. This is because the requests will need to be triaged to ensure the correct and enough detail has been provided due to the record being created by an onsite user.
The Help Desk has a Self-Serve widget set up for them to monitor these requests and once they confirm they have the detail they need, they will then process them through to creating a linked Work Order, ready to be assigned to a supplier / Engineer. As each Self-Serve SR is processed and linked to a Work order, it will move out of the Triage widget as the status of the SR will be moved on to ‘Queued’ and no longer require monitoring as the work order will now go through the WO workflow process
Below shows the Self-Serve Triage widget that will be monitored by the help Desk