Click Create PPM Template.
Enter the maintenance template name and Record ID. You can add an optional description of this template in the Description field.
Select the Supplier Trade. Suppliers allocated to the selected trade will be assignable to the occurrences within the actual maintenance plan. Only one Supplier Trade can be selected per template.
Select the Asset Category. Assets or asset groups within this category will be available for selection when creating the maintenance plan.
You can also add an optional Document Upload Library.
In the Checkpoints section, you need to add the occurrences that make up your maintenance plan template.
Enter the name of the occurrence. Select the maintenance type from the dropdown. Enter the description of the occurrence. This is likely to contain the instructions on how to complete the maintenance works required.
Select the frequency of the occurrence. Each occurrence you add will have a different frequency. The frequency can be set in days, weeks, months or years.
When a maintenance plan is created, template occurrences with frequency greater than 1 week will be superseded by occurrences with longer frequency. For example, if you have checkpoints for a monthly fire extinguisher test and a quarterly fire extinguisher service, the third occurrence of the monthly fire extinguisher test will be superseded by the quarterly fire extinguisher service as the quarterly service is set to occur every three months. This avoids having a monthly test and the quarterly service happening at the same time. It is likely that the quarterly service will include the actions carried out during the monthly tests.
Select the tolerance in days. Tolerance means the number of days prior the due date of the occurrence when a supplier can action the occurrence assigned to them. For example, if the tolerance is set to 4 days and the occurrence due date is 12 & 04 & 2019, the earliest the supplier will be able to complete the occurrence on the system is 08 & 04 & 2019. Finally, Select the severity - either Critical or Non- critical.
When you have filled in the mandatory fields, click Add Checkpoint. This will save the occurrence and you will be able to add a new one. Continue adding the occurrences in this way until your maintenance plan is complete. If you have added an occurrence in error, click the remove icon to delete it or select the Edit button.
When you are sure that the maintenance plan template has all the required occurrences, click Create. This will create the maintenance plan template. Clicking Create & New will create the maintenance plan template and open the new template creation page where you can create another maintenance plan template. Clicking Cancel will not save the maintenance plan template and you will be taken back to the Maintenance Template Search page.