Creating Projects Master Events – Front End
Functionality has been introduced so that we can allow users permissions to be able to manage the creation / update of master events from the front end.
FAL security has been added within the Timeline function so that users can be given Edit and or View options.
Tools > Site Admin > Functional Security > Timeline Template > Master Events
With the FAL access being given, the user will now see the menu option and have the ability to manage Master Events
When the Master Events menu is selected, the following will be presented.
- User has ability to Export the Master Events List to an Excel format. These can also be used to re-upload back into the system
- User has the ability to add new Master events
- User has the ability to make the master event Active or Not Active by using the toggle switch
- User has the ability to Edit the master event
- User has the ability to drag and drop master events and move them into the correct sequence in the list
Exported Data
Add New Master Event
Once these events have been set up, these can then be selectable values within the dropdown list when creating the timeline on a project.