Trade Allocations are used to add Key Organisations to your Project; this can be useful as it allows you to view which organisations are available as resources for your project. They are also used as part of Supplier Questionnaires to help you determine how well your suppliers are performing on your project.
From the Trade Allocation tab you can allocate the key suppliers for your project.
Sorting the Search Grid
Within Trade Allocation, you have the ability to filter the search grid to display suppliers by the organisation or Trade.
By selecting the relevant option at the top of the grid the order will change depending on your selection
Adding a Supplier
There are two ways to add supplier to a project. You do this by selecting the “Assign by trade” or “Assign by organisation” options at the top.
Assign by Trade
You use this option when you know what trade you need for the project but not the organisation.
Select the Trade that you need from the top dropdown and the organisation dropdown will populate with all of the organisation in the system that has that trade.
If you click save without assigning an organisation, it will be added without the organisation so you can some back later and add it at a later date.
Assign by Organisation
This is where you already know the organisation that has been involved in the project but is unsure what trade they are assigned.
This allows you to use the top dropdown to select the organisation in the system, the trade dropdown will then populate with all of the trades that the selected organisation has been marked as.
Unlike assign by trade, you must select both options before saving.
Set Security
This allows you to set allocation Security on bulk for all of the suppliers you have listed against this project.
Once selected, you will see the below option.
Editing Suppliers
Each row or trade has the option to edit and remove
This will allows you to change the organisation that is held against that Trade or Row, this can be used if the supplier changes on that project etc..
This will remove the Trade or Row.
Key Organisations
Each trade has a tick box to allow you to mark it as a key Trade or Organisation
If the tick is selected then the Trade and Organisation will be displayed on the general details of the Project page below the project dates.
Project Notes
On a Project record, there is a widget to display all notes captured in the main edit form for that record.
This widget enables a user (controlled by security) to add, edit and delete notes without the need to do so via the main edit form.
The columns displayed are:
- Note type
- Last Updated (date + time DD: MON: YYYY HH: MM: SS)
- Last Update By (contact name + organisation name)
- Note
These are ordered by date by default with the newest at the top and the oldest at the bottom.