A Project Record houses all information relating to the project. On this page, there are 9 tabs: General, Documents, Photo gallery, Audit, Questionnaires, Issues, Links, Tasks, and Timeline.
This article will highlight the below tabs within the project record:
General Details
The general details tab provides an overview of all the key information of that project.
Tags are used to link similar records together. For example, a project will be associated with assets that are used on-site, people that are working on the project, and a certain property as a base of operations. All of these can be linked together with the same "tag" so that they can be easily found in a search.
To add a tag to a record that is already in the system, type the first 3 letters of the tag that you wish to add and a dropdown list will appear; selecting an option will add the tag. To add a tag that is not in the system; type in the name of the tag and click the tick to add the tag, or click the cross to close the box.
At the top of the page, you will see the Event gateway. This shows all the top level events from the project timeline tab and a percentage completion for the entire project.
Parent events show the number of events that have been completed against the total number of events e.g. ; this can be found in the bottom right of the tile. To view child events click the parent event and it will then show all of the children events under that parent.
Child events display a percentage completion of that event in the bottom right of the tile. You can click on a child event and it will display the key information for that event; an example is shown below.
Clicking on will complete the event (and fill in any missing dates with the most recent dates populated on the event).
Clicking will take you to that event on the timeline tab which will allow you to edit the information of that event.
To go back at any point use the breadcrumb at the top of the widget to navigate back.
The General Details, Financial Tile, and Additional Details widgets will provide you with information on the record you are on.
To change the Image for a Record you can click on record image (or image coming soon icon as seen below) and then you can upload the image you wish to use. Please note, you will only be able to add a picture to a project record that is not obsolete.
The project Location Widget will show you the location of the project (based on the project's postcode on the general detail widget).
The Related Resources widget shows all the contacts assigned to an event on the project or linked to a project using the Project Resources function on the Related Resources widget. Project Resources function links contacts to the project but not to an event within the project.
From the DMS you have the ability to send a document by email to a number of recipients; from the Project DMS this recipient list is pre-filtered to display a list of contacts that are linked to the project, this means that it is easier to find the contacts that you wish to send the document to.
When you select the Send by email option from the DMS the following popup will be generated:
From here you can click on the Allocated Contacts button and a list of contacts linked to the project will be generated. Simply select the contacts that you wish to send the document to and then click the submit button, these will then be added to the list of recipients. Additional contacts can still be added to the list of recipients by using the Search Contacts bar.
For more information on this function see Send by Email.
Functional Buttons
Functional buttons can be found in the top right hand corner of this page.
- Edit Record allows you to edit the currently selected record
- Report lets you create a PDF report of the project
- Add record search widget allows you to add a widget that will show you all related records of one type
- Create Task for This project allows you to create tasks that relates to this project
- Favourite Record will favourite the record so that it will show up under favourites on the top bar
- Export will allow you to select from the different export options for this project; CSV, XML & Excel (import)
- Clone allows you to clone the project
- Close & Reopen project allows you to set project to be closed and prevent project from making any changes (the same icon will display within the search console against the project). The button will then change on the record to allow you to reopen project again.
- Disable & Enable Timesheet Booking allows you to prevent this project from having any time booked against it on a timesheet
- Obsolete record will allow you to obsolete this record so that it will not show up in the system (unless you have security to see obsoleted records
Add record search widget
Add record search widget allows you to add a widget that will show you all related records of one type. To do this click on the symbol displayed above which will open the pop-up below.
Enter a title and then click on the dropdown list next to Source, this will offer a list of record types that you can compare to. For example, while on a Project record, I could add a widget to show me all organisations that are linked to that project. To do this I would type in a memorable title such as Linked Organisations and from the Source I would select organisation. Then I would select the columns that I want to be displayed (e.g. organisation name, Phone number, Website etc.) This would then create a new widget at the bottom of the page shown below.
To delete a Search widget from an asset record click the in the top right hand corner of the widget
Clicking will take you to the project clone page with all the details of the previous project filled out (with the exception of the name and other unique identifiers). Clicking create on this form will create a copy of the project with all of the same links and Tags etc.
Supplier Performance Questionnaire Scheduler
As well as scheduling Supplier Performance Questionnaires (SPQs) from a Programme Record, you can also schedule them from an individual Project Record. All SPQs created from the Project Record will merge with those created from the Programme Record to produce an overall rating for each supplier. These ratings can be viewed in the Supplier Performance Report.
To schedule the SPQ go to the Questionnaires tab of the Project Record and scroll down to the Supplier Performance Questionnaire Scheduler widget as shown below.
From here you will be able to select a questionnaire to assign, choose job roles to assign the questionnaire to, select suppliers working on the project, and assign the questionnaires on a repeating schedule.
To select a questionnaire to assign click on the Applicable Templates field and begin to type in the name of the questionnaire; this will populate a dropdown list of all questionnaires that can be used for SPQs and meet your search criteria. For more information on how to create questionnaires see Create Questionnaire Template.
SPQs are not assigned to specific contacts, instead they are assigned to a job role. Once scheduled the SPQ will be automatically assigned to the contact with that job role on the project. If multiple contacts have the same job role, the SPQ will be assigned to the contact that appears first in an event on the project timeline.
To choose which roles to assign the SPQ to click on the Assignee Job Roles field and begin to type in the name of a job role; this will populate a list of job roles that meet your search criteria. You can select as many job roles as required, then when you schedule the questionnaires a separate SPQ will be created and assigned to each contact with the selected job role. To remove a job role from the list simply click the X next to name of the job role.
Next you will have the option to select a list of suppliers that you want to include in the SPQ; to add the supplier to the list click the check box next to the name of the supplier.
You will note in the image above that one supplier appears as a blue hyperlink whereas the other supplier is greyed out and has an information icon next to it. This indicates that only the first supplier is eligible to be included in the SPQ as the set up for the second supplier has not yet been completed. If you hover over the information icon the reason why the supplier cannot be included in the SPQ will be displayed, in this case it is because the organisation has not been prequalified. For more information on prequalifying an organisation see Prequalification.
You can filter the list of suppliers by category; select a category from the dropdown menu for Organisation Categories Filter and the list of suppliers will be filtered accordingly. For more information on organisation categories see Create Organisation.
You also have the option to set a repeating schedule for the SPQ, for example if you wanted to conduct the review on a weekly basis you could schedule a weekly repeating SPQ. The repeating schedule is automatically set to 'Never' but this can be changed by selecting a different option from the dropdown menu. Certain options will populate additional fields to allow you to add more details to the SPQ schedule, an example for Weekly is shown below.
From here you can select how often the SPQ should repeat, on which day(s) of the week it should be scheduled and when the SPQ schedule should finish.
Once you have completed your set up click on the Assign Questionnaires button to assign the questionnaires.
If for some reason it was not possible to assign the SPQ e.g. The project had no contact assigned for the specified job role, you will be able to view these exceptions in the Exception Report. To view this report see Exception Report.
Under the Timeline tab you can see and edit (if you have permissions) the project timeline.
To add and event on the timeline click and this will add a new top level event. If you have an event selected when you click
then it will bring up a menu asking if you would like to create a new event above or below the current event, create a child event under the currently selected event.
To turn an already created event into a child & top level event simply click and drag the event to where you would like it to go on the timeline table on the left.
To edit event information from the project table, double click on the field that you wish to edit and it will allow you to edit that field. For example, if you wanted to change the name of an even you would double click on the name and then type in the new name; to save your changes click off of the field.
To edit the event information in more detail, double click on the event in the timeline workflow or select the button; this will open the box shown below.
From this table you can edit details such as:
- Set it so that evidence must be uploaded upon task completion
- Set it so that the event owner must approve the event completion
- Set the event as the start & end date for the project
- Assign resource to the project to give you an accurate cost on the financial tile on general detail that automatically updates.
To assign a resource click which will bring up another pop up where you can assign your resources.
To add a new resource click which will add a new resource for you to fill out.
- Job role allows you to select the role of the resource you are assigning.
- Contact allows you to select a specific contact from the system for that job role.
- All contacts allows you to assign a contact to a resource even if they do not have that job role.
- Allocation allows you to set the percentage of the task that they are required for.
- Allows you to set the owner of the event. This contact will be notified if the project runs over and will see this event on the my events tab on the home page under my events. There can only be one user per event.
Deletes the resource
When you have finished assigning resources click Continue and then click Save on the event pop up. Once you have assigned resources against a task they will show up next to the event in the workflow.
If you click the button next to Requires deviance then you can determine where in the DMS you wish documents relating to this event should be save
To move an event & change the duration you can either;
- Change the dates & duration in the timeline table & event pop up
- Click and drag the event in the timeline workflow
- Changing the duration will move the end date and leave the start date unchanged
- Changing the start date will move the event to start on the new date and keep the current duration
- Changing the end event will change the duration of the event and will not effect the start date
To set a dependency between 2 events you hover over one of the events. A dot will appear either side of the event. Click on the dot and drag it to a dot on the event you want to create the dependency between and release.
To delete a dependency, click the line between the to events showing the dependency and it will be highlighted in blue; then press delete on your keyboard.
Then it will bring up a pop up to confirm that you want to delete the dependency between the two events.
You can change the workflow to show it in a weekly or monthly view by selecting your preference from the top right of the widget
To see the events in in a table view with detailed information on each task click at the top right of the widget.
From here you can edit an event by clicking button next to each event.
You can delete multiple events by selecting the events you wish to delete and clicking the button.
you can also add a resource against an event on bulk by selecting multiple event that you with to assign a resource to by clicking the tick box next to each of the events. Then clicking . This will bring up the widow below:
From here you can add a resource against all the events you have selected by clicking and then filling in the relevant fields. When you are done click save and the resource(s) will be applied to all of the selected events.
You can also remove all current resource against an event by selecting it by clicking the tick box next to the event and clicking . This will bring up a pop up allowing to to select wish resources you wish to remove off of the project.
Clickingshows you all the current roles on the projects you have selected and who is currently assigned and allows you to assign new contacts to those job roles.
To go back click at the top right of the widget.
When you select an event will pop up at the top left of the widget. This will Present you with a pup up which will allow you to set what date it was completed on. This is automatically populated with today's date. You can also select the option to ignore dependant events by selecting the Ignore dependencies check box. This will that any dependant event will not be pushed out if the completed event is moved.
Once you have completed an event. you will have the option to uncomplete the event by selecting the event and clicking . This will remove the completed status from the event.
From the drop down at the top of the timeline widget you can change the project type, change timeline mode etc.
From the you can choose which dates are shown in the table.
Clicking fill in empty forecast dates will fill in all the forecast dates for events with empty forecast with the planned dates.
Selecting Add resource from the dropdown will bring up this window
This will allow you to assign resource to all of the events on your timeline on bulk.
Selecting Change event owner from the dropdown will bring up the window below;
This will allow you to see the current assign owners (based on job role, not contact) of events and assign new ones for the events where they are the owner.
Selecting "change project type" from the dropdown will bring up a pop up where you can select the type of project it is and choose to keep the existing timeline, clear the timeline, and select a timeline template based on the project type you have selected
Selecting "change mode" from the dropdown will bring up a pop up asking if you want to change your timeline from timeline mode to milestone mode.
This will change the timeline widget to milestone mode which changes it to have mile stone events (dates for things to be complete) and have no duration or start dates.
Selecting Change resource assignments from the dropdown will bring the window below
this will display each of the resources against all events in your timeline and the current assignees to these roles. You can then assign a new contact to take over that role.
Selecting "Clear timeline" will remove all events from the timeline.
Selecting "Convert to template" will take you to the template create page with the project type selected as the template type. Clicking create will then create a template with the project template pre-populated onto the template.
Selecting "Export to PDF" or "Export to MS Project" will convert the timeline into the relevant file.
Selecting Fill in empty forecast dates will fill in any missing forecast date for all events on the timeline with the dates shown in the planned dated fields.
Selecting "Load template" from the drop down will bring up a pop up showing all the templates in the system with your current project type.
Selecting Replan if delayed from the dropdown will move all events without actual dates on the timeline if the latest event with actual dates is delayed. It will move the dates by the number of days the project has been delayed.
Toggle weekends allows you to toggle whether your timeline includes weekends or not. (WARNING: This is best done at the start of the project.)