Projects can be filtered by using the button next to each column header; for more information on how to use this function see Filters.
Sort projects
You can also sort items by grouping them; to do this drag the column header that you wish to group by into the blue box above the columns. This will sort the projects into groups defined by the column header, an example is shown below. I chose to sort the projects by Name so dragged it into the blue box above the columns, as you can see the projects have now been grouped by Name.
To change the order that the projects are displayed in click the column header that you wish to organise by. Clicking once will arrange them in alphabetical order defined by the information in that column.
Clicking the column header again will arrange the projects in reverse alphabetical order, clicking it for a third time will return it to normal view.
Functional Buttons
- Column Selector, this controls which columns are visible within the search result
- Export allows you to export the search table to a number of file formats. When exporting to CSV, XML and Excel (Import) all fields will be exported regardless of whether or not they appear in the search table; when exporting to Excel or PDF only columns displayed in the search table will be exported.
- Select Classification utilises the Project Type filter in the right hand pane. The pane can be open & closed by selecting this option
- Custom Filters allows you to conduct a more detailed search of the Project records; for more information on how to use this function see Custom Filters.
- This will remove all column and custom filters, and restore any default search filters such as hiding obsolete records
- User-defined Columns
- Shelve allows you to add the selected Projects to the Project Shelf.
- Clear Shelf and shelve selected records will clear any Projects already on Shelf and and the currently selected Projects
- Go to Shelf takes you to the Task Shelf; for more information on this function see Project Shelf.
Project Shelf
Project shelf allows you to separate projects from the search so that you can perform bulk actions on them.
At the top right of project search there are 3 buttons: "Shelve", "Clear shelf and clear selected records" and "Go to shelf"
Shelve only becomes available once you have selected a project (or multiple); when you click Shelve it will add all of the selected items to the project shelf.
Clear shelf and clear selected records only become available once you have selected a project (or multiple); when you click Clear shelf and clear selected records it will clear all current project off of the shelf and shelve the currently selected items.
Then you can go to the project shelf by clicking "Go to project shelf" and it will be populated with all of the projects you have sent to the shelf. An example project shelf is shown below.
You can remove any project off the shelf by selecting it and clicking at the top right-hand corner. To go back to project search click the
Once you have selected one or more of the projects you can perform bulk action on the projects from the dropdown at the top of the page. If you have selected any closed projects in the Project Shelf, the bulk actions you perform will skip the closed projects and they will not be affected. You can go to the closed projects individually and make edits if you have sufficient privileges.
The bulk actions you can perform are:
Add Resource
Select the projects you would like to add resources to and put them on the shelf, you will notice a new option in the dropdown list entitled “Add Resource”
This will open a popup window that allows the user to add resources in the form of a job role and if required add a named person to that role.
This will apply to this job role and named contact across EVERY event within the selected projects.
Continuing from the above, when selecting a job role this will populate the contact list with anyone stored with a contact record that has that role assigned. Alternatively, should you want to add a resource with a job role, but the person does not have it specified on their contact record, you can tick the “All contact” box, this will display all contacts stored on the site. % allocation is how much of their time will be required to complete this task.
Assign Companies
This allows you to link companies to your project and allocate & remove security to them on bulk.

Assign Contact
This allows you to link contacts to your project and allocate & remove security to them on bulk.
Assign Manager
Will bring up a pop up menu where you can bulk assign a manger to all select projects on the project shelf.
Assign to Programme
Allows you to assign all the select projects on the project shelf to a no obsolete programme in the system.
Change Classification
This will bring up a pop up which allows you to change the type, status etc. of all the projects selected.
Change Resource Assignment
This option will list each roles in the project that you have selected and who is assigned to each of these roles. If you click the arrow next to each role it will drop down and display each of the project from you selected project this applies to and a breakdown of who is selected for each project (for cases where there are multiple people in the same role across multiple projects). The filters at the top allow you to filter on job role, only owners of events, only non-owners of event and all.
To assign a new contact to the job role click the on that row and it will bring up a pop up.
From here you can select a contact from the system for that role. you can filter the dropdown for any contact in the system or only contact with the relevant job role.
Close Projects
This feature allows a user to close multiple projects at once. When the project is closed, time can be still booked against it when completing a timesheet.
Disable Timesheet Booking
This feature allows user to disable number of projects from Timesheet booking. When the project is marked as disabled from timesheet booking then no time can be booked against it when completing a timesheet.
Fill empty Forecast dates
This feature allows a user to complete all of the forecast dates for a number of selected projects
This option is available from the dropdown list on the project shelf. This can be used in the case that a number of store fit outs have just been approved and their planned dates match their forecast dates. Using this feature will bulk populate all forecast dates on all selected projects to match to their planned date.
List events
Will bring up a list of events for all the selected projects. From here you can perform more bulk actions. To see this go to this Page.
Load Template
Allows you to load a template from the system onto the timeline of each selected project (all projects must be of the same type for this function to work).
A feature which allows a user to “replan” a project timeline from the last actual date completed. For example, should a project be underway and then a a piece of paperwork be delayed in getting sign off which delays the project, this feature can be used to replan the remaining events.
Again available on the project shelf, selecting this option will produce the popup below;
By selecting the radio button at the bottom “By latest actual date if delayed” this will push our all non-completed events by X number of days.
Event List
Add Resource
This allows you to allocate resource to all event you have selected from the events list on bulk.
Change Duration
This allows you to change the duration of all event you have selected from the events list on bulk. you can either change them to be a specific length or just extend the events by x number of days
Change event owner
This shows you the event owners for all event you have selected from the events list and allow syou to select a new role for each of the events.
Where the job role you have selected does not exsist or there are multiple of the job role you have selected, you will be presented with a new window. From here you can choose to add the job role or skip adding the job role for events where the job role you have selected in not present on that event, and specify which resource you would like to be the event owner when there is more than one of the resource type & job role you have selected.
Change resource assignment
This allows you to move the events you have selected from the event list to start on a specific date or to move them all by a set number of days