Check Out Document
To check out a document click on the icon; checking out a document gives you the opportunity to work on the document whilst stopping others from making changes to it. For example, the document may need to be updated but to stop two people from doing the same work, the document can be checked out so only one user can work on it until it is checked back in. Clicking on this option will open the following box asking you to confirm that you wish to check out the document. Clicking ‘Confirm’ will check out the document in your name, clicking ‘Cancel’ will return you to the document overview.
You can see if a document has been checked out by looking for a icon next to document title; by hovering over the icon you will be able to view the name of the user who has checked out the document.
After checking out the document the icon will turn blue indicating that it is possible to check it back in, for more information on this function see Check in Document.
Check in Document
When you have finished working on the document and are ready to check it in, click the icon next to the document title. This will open the box shown below.
Clicking on ‘Upload document’ will open a link to the documents on your computer; from here you will be able to select a document to replace the current document.
Once a document has been selected the name of the document will appear under Document Name; if you wish to change the name of the document you will be able to do so at this point.
You may wish to enter a version number for the selected document. For example, if you had revised a document and wanted to upload a new version you could name it ‘Version 0.2’ so that other users knew there had been a change to the document. If no changes have been made to the document then the version number will not be updated.
You will also be able to add comments about the document by filling in the ‘Comments’ text box.
You can change the document status by selecting one of the statuses from the dropdown.
Send by email allows you to send the document to colleagues; this can be sent by either a link to the document on the system or as an attachment in the email. Checking this tick box will open the box shown below.
To add recipients to your email, search for users and select them from the drop down list. The user will then appear as a recipient; to delete the user from the recipient list click the red cross next to their name. You will be unable to send the email to users who do not have an email listed in their contact information; in the drop down list they will appear in faded grey and you will be unable to select them as a recipient option.
You can add a subject and a message just as you would do in a typical email.
The email will automatically include a link to the document on iSite which the recipient will then be able to open or save. To send the document as an attachment select the tick box ‘Send document in attachment’.
Click ‘Send’ to send the document to all recipients, or click ‘Cancel’ to return to the library.
Once the document has been sent it will generate a toaster to inform you that the document has been sent successfully.
Clicking ‘Check in’ will replace the current document with the new version and allow other users to access the document and make further changes to it. Clicking ‘Cancel’ will return you to the library; the document will still be checked out in your name so other users will be unable to make changes to it until it is checked in.
During check in the loading bar shown below will appear in the top right corner of your screen. During this time you can carry out other tasks in the DMS but navigating away from the DMS will cancel the check in.
When the document has been uploaded it will display the toaster shown below to inform you that the document has been uploaded successfully.
Once the document has been checked in, the document record table will update and the column ‘Checked out by’ will now be blank indicating to other users that the document is available. The ‘Version history’ column will be updated to the most recent version and the ‘Publisher’ column will update with the details of the user who checked in the document. The ‘Last modified’, ‘File size’ and ‘Previous version count’ columns will also be updated.
Undo Check Out
‘Undo check out’ allows you to check in the document without making any changes to it or changing the version. Selecting this option will open the box shown below. Before checking the document back in, iSite will ask you to confirm your selection. Clicking on ‘Confirm’ will check the document in, and allow other users to access the document and make further changes to it. Clicking ‘Cancel’ will return you to the library; the document will still be checked out in your name so other users will be unable to make changes to it until it is checked in.

Remove Check in Lock
Users with the appropriate admin rights will be able to remove the check in locks from documents; this means that they can force a document to be checked in without prior permission of the user who checked it out. The document will be checked in as the same version as when it was checked out and will then be available to be edited by other users. Selecting this option will open the box shown below.
Clicking on ‘Confirm’ will check the document in, and allow other users to access the document and make changes to it. Clicking ‘Cancel’ will return you to the library; the document will still be checked out in the user’s name.
When a document has been forcibly checked in, the user who had checked it out will receive a notification making them aware that their check in lock has been removed from a document.
From here you will be able to select which library you would like to copy the document to; you can select as many libraries as you require and after selecting the chosen libraries will be highlighted. To unselect a library, click on the library again and this will remove the highlight. Selecting ‘Copy’ will make a separate copy of the document in all highlighted libraries; selecting ‘Cancel’ will return you to the library without making any copies of the document.
Once a document has been copied it will display the toaster shown below to inform you that the document has been copied successfully.