Document Library
The Document Management System (DMS) allows you to control electronic documents of any type within iSite. It allows you to upload and retrieve documents from the system, maintaining an audit trail of readership, versions and a variety of metadata around the document. From this page you can:
- Add libraries
- Organise Libraries
- Manage Documents
- Search for Documents
Opening Screen
Opening Screen
The page that opens when you click on the DMS contains a list of libraries, a search function, and an area for viewing libraries and documents.
Library & Document Record Table
The library & document record table allows you to view all libraries and documents associated with the highlighted library. From here you can view information about the document by looking under the column headers on the same line as the document. Column headers include:
Field |
Type |
Title |
Shows the name of the document |
Version |
Shows which version of the document is currently on the system |
Publisher |
Shows the user who last published the document |
Type |
Shows the document file type |
Last modified |
Last modified |
Status |
Shows the Status of the document |
Size |
Shows the size of the document |
Search Items in the Library & Document Record Table
To search for items in the library & document view area click the button next to the column header. For example, if you wanted to filter by Title you could click the
button next to Title.
This will generate the drop down menu shown below; from here you will be able to use a more advanced filter to narrow down your search.
Use the drop down menus to define your search. For example, you may wish to search for a document that starts with the letter A AND contains the word ‘project’; in this case you would fill in the search filter as shown below.
Clicking on ‘Clear’ will take you back to the library, clicking on ‘Filter’ will apply your search criteria and generate the results in the record table.
You can also sort items by grouping them; to do this drag the column header that you wish to group by into the blue box above the columns. This will then sort the documents into groups defined by the column header, an example is shown below. I chose to sort the document by file type so dragged it into the blue box above the columns, as you can see the documents have now been grouped by file type.
To change the order that the documents are displayed in click the column header that you wish to organise by. Clicking once will arrange them in alphabetical order defined by the information in that column; an example is shown below.
Clicking the column header for a second time will arrange the documents in reverse alphabetical order as shown below.
Clicking the column header for a third time will return the documents to displaying in the original order.
Search Function
The search function allows you to search for items in the highlighted library.
To search for a document type the name of the document into the search bar and click ‘Search’, the results will be populated in the library & document viewing area. To clear the search criteria click the clear button.
The search function will automatically search all libraries unless otherwise specified. To narrow the search criteria to specific libraries, select the check box next to the intended library in the main library view. An example is shown below; in this case the search criteria would only be applied to the Bid Management and Bid Proposal Resource libraries. To unselect a library, simply click the tick box again and the blue tick will disappear.
To conduct a more detailed search you can use Custom Filters; see the Custom Filters section for more details on this function.
Functional Buttons
- This button allows you to toggle views between a list and tiles.
List view Tiles view
2. Custom filters allows you to conduct a more detailed search of the DMS; for more information on this function see Custom Filters.
3. The full screen toggle allows you to expand the DMS to a full screen; clicking this button for a second time will reduce the DMS back to normal view.