Upload a Document to a Library
To upload a document to a library first highlight the library that you wish to upload to and then click the 'Upload' button as shown below.
This will open the Upload Document popup as shown below.
Selecting ‘Upload Document’ will open a link to the documents on your computer; from here you will be able to select the documents that you wish to upload. Multiple documents can be uploaded at once by either highlighting more than one document on your personal drive and clicking open, or by selecting documents to upload and then clicking on the 'Upload documents' button to add further documents. A maximum of 8 documents can be uploaded at any one time.
If any documents have been selected by mistake they can be removed from the upload list by selecting the icon next to the appropriate document. For any image files such as .jpg a preview of the image will be available next to the document name in the upload list.
In the originator field you can select an organisation or a contact that sent you the document that you are uploading. The Originator field is used when processing document issues in the Issues tab.
The Document status drop-down allows you to select the status of the document. The document status is used when processing document issues in the Issues tab.
You may wish to enter a version number for the selected document. For example, if you had revised a document and wanted to upload a new version you could name it ‘Version 2’ so that other users knew there had been a change to the document.
By searching records you are able to add links to the document from the existing records on iSite. For example, you may wish to link a document with a particular property. In order to do this simply start to type the name of the property into the search bar; this will create a drop down of all records associated with your search as shown below.
Select the record that you wish to link the document with and it will appear under the search records field as shown below.
The link will be saved when the document is uploaded. The link can be deleted clicking the red cross next to the record. Before saving you can add as many links as required to the document.
Comments can also be added to the document by filling in the ‘Comments’ section; these comments will appear as version comments and will be specific to the version that is being uploaded.
Schedule document archiving allows you to select the date that the document will be archived; this may be useful when you only need the document to be available for a predetermined fixed time period. To schedule a document to be archived first click the checkbox next to ‘Schedule document archiving’ then click on the date button ; this will open a calendar from which you can select the date that you wish the document to be archived. The time that the document is archived is automatically set to 00:00 of that day, but you can change this by clicking on the clock button
and selecting a time. After uploading the document the archive schedule can be managed using Document Properties.
Schedule document expiry allows you to select the date that the document will be expired; this may be useful when the document is only valid for a predetermined fixed time period, an example of this might be an Insurance certificate. To schedule a document to be expired first click the checkbox next to ‘Schedule document expiry’ then click on the date button ; this will open a calendar from which you can select the date that you wish the document to be expired. The time that the document is expired is automatically set to 00:00 of that day, but you can change this by clicking on the clock button
and selecting a time. As well as scheduling a document to expire you can also set a warning date, for example when your Insurance Certificate is about to expire you may wish to set a warning one month before expiry to give you time to renew your documents. The warning can be scheduled by selecting an appropriate date and time at some point before the document expires. After uploading the document the expiry schedule can be managed using Document Properties.
Send by email allows you to send the document to colleagues; this can be sent by either a link to the document on iSite or as an attachment in the email. Checking this tick box will open the box shown below.
To add recipients to your email, search for users and select them from the drop down list. The user will then appear as a recipient; to delete the user from the recipient list click the red cross next to their name. You will be unable to send the email to users who do not have an email listed in their contact information; in the drop down list they will appear in faded grey and you will be unable to select them as a recipient option.
You can add a subject and a message just as you would do in a typical email.
The email will automatically include a link to the document on iSite which the recipient will then be able to open or save. To send the document as an attachment select the tick box ‘Send document in attachment’.
Click ‘Send’ to send the document to all recipients, or click ‘Cancel’ to return to the library.
Once the document has been sent it will generate a toaster to inform you that the document has been sent successfully.
To upload the document click on the ‘Add’ button; this will add the document to the DMS and associate it with any records that you added links to. The document can be found using the search function. To cancel the upload click on ‘Cancel’; this will return you to the library.
Whilst uploading a document the loading bar shown below will appear in the top right corner of your screen. If you are uploading multiple documents a separate loading bar will appear for each document; once all documents have successfully uploaded you will be able to close the loading bars. During this time you can carry out other tasks in the DMS but navigating away from the DMS will cancel the upload.
Once the document has been uploaded it will display the toast (pop-up message) shown below to inform you that the document has been uploaded successfully.
Click on a folder using the mouse and keep your finger on the button, then drag the folder to the new position.
Release the mouse and your folder will have moved.
Publish via e-mail
Publish via e-mail allows users to send emails and documents directly to a library. The sent emails can be linked to various records. Selecting the Publish via email option will open the box shown below.
The links above show the email addresses for users to send items to. Entering the records in the box will allow you to link the document to various records. More than one record can be added at a time. Publish only attachments will add only the email attachments to the library and the selected records. Publish message will add the attachments to the library and the selected records as well as the text that the user includes in their email. This function can be used both by internal and external clients; adding documents directly to the library will be more efficient than manually adding them through iSite therefore saving you time and effort. Another benefit is that it allows external clients to add documents to a library without needing direct access to iSite. Important text from the email can also be published to the library providing a single location for keeping track of all information associated with the document. Clicking ‘OK’ will close the box.
Replace by Email
Replace by email allows users to email a replacement document directly into the DMS . Selecting this option will open the box shown below.
The link above shows the email address for users to send the document to. This function can be used both by internal and external clients; this function allows you to replace documents in a library without needing direct access to iSite. Clicking ‘OK’ will close the box.