Managing Documents
Documents in the DMS are managed through a number of actions; some of these can be accessed directly from a button next to the document, other functions can be accessed by clicking on the icon next to the document.
- Add to Basket
- Download Document
- Check out & in Document
- Send by email
- Additional properties
You can also right click on the document to access the Additional Properties menu shown below.
Preview Document
The Preview Document function allows you to preview a document without having to download it. Selecting this option will open a pop-up with the preview of your document. You can use this function to open image files (.jpeg, .png, .jpg, dwg), .doc and PDF files. For .doc and PDF files only the first 3 pages will be available to preview. If you wish to view further pages, you will need to download the document.
Click to go back to the document list.
Replace Document
The Replace Document function allows you to replace the current document with a different version. Selecting this option will open the box shown below.
Clicking on ‘Upload document’ will open a link to the documents on your computer; from here you will be able to select a document to replace the current document.
You may wish to enter a version number for the selected document. For example, if you had revised a document and wanted to upload a new version you could name it ‘Version 2’ so that other users knew there had been a change to the document.
Send by email allows you to send the document to colleagues; this can be sent by either a link to the document on iSite or as an attachment in the email. Checking this tick box will open the box shown below.
To add recipients to your email, search for users and select them from the drop down list. The user will then appear as a recipient; to delete the user from the recipient list click the red cross next to their name. You will be unable to send the email to users who do not have an email listed in their contact information; in the drop down list they will appear in faded grey and you will be unable to select them as a recipient option.
You can add a subject and a message just as you would do in a typical email.
The email will automatically include a link to the document on iSite which the recipient will then be able to open or save. To send the document as an attachment select the tick box ‘Send document in attachment’.
Click ‘Send’ to send the document to all recipients, or click ‘Cancel’ to return to the library.
Once the document has been sent it will generate a toaster to inform you that the document has been sent successfully.
Clicking ‘Replace’ will replace the current document with the new version. Clicking ‘Cancel’ will return you to the library.
Whilst replacing the document the loading bar shown below will appear in the top right corner of your screen. During this time you can carry out other tasks in the DMS but navigating away from the DMS will cancel the replacement.
Once the document has been uploaded it will display the toaster shown below to inform you that the document has been uploaded successfully.
Copy Document
Copy document allows you to place a copy of the document in another library; all copies are linked so that changes made to one version of the document will be mirrored in the other version. Selecting this option will open the box shown below.
From here you will be able to select which library you would like to copy the document to; you can select as many libraries as you require and after selecting the chosen libraries will be highlighted. To unselect a library, click on the library again and this will remove the highlight. Selecting ‘Copy’ will make a separate copy of the document in all highlighted libraries; selecting ‘Cancel’ will return you to the library without making any copies of the document.
Once a document has been copied it will display the toaster shown below to inform you that the document has been copied successfully.
Manage Links
To see links associated with the document select ‘Manage links’; this will open the box shown below. Links already associated with the document are shown under ‘Existing Links’, these may have been added when the document was first uploaded.
Here you can add a link to the document in the same way as you would when first uploading the document; search for the record under ‘Search Records’ and then select the record that you wish to link it to. Click ‘Save’ to save your selection or click the red cross to delete the record link. To delete all existing links click
or the red cross
to delete the existing links individually. The link between the document and the user who uploaded the document cannot be deleted - this link is shown in italics.
After clicking ‘Save’ it will generate a toaster to inform you that the links have successfully been added, as shown below.
Change Document Owner
Change document owner allows you to change who owns the document; selecting this option will open the box shown below. To change the owner of the document, search for the name of the user that you wish to change it to and select them. Clicking ‘Save’ will change the document owner to the user that you have selected; clicking on ‘Cancel’ will return you to the library without changing the owner. Changing the document owner will update the information in the document record table to show the name of the current owner.
Once the owner has been changed it will display the toaster shown below to inform that the document owner has successfully been changed.
Send by Email
To send a document by email click on the email icon . Send by email allows you to send the document to colleagues; this can be sent by either a link to the document on iSite or as an attachment in the email. Selecting this option will open the box shown below.
To add recipients to your email, search for users and select them from the drop down list. The user will then appear as a recipient; to delete the user from the recipient list click the red cross next to their name. You will be unable to send the email to users who do not have an email listed in their contact information; in the drop down list they will appear in faded grey and you will be unable to select them as a recipient option.
You can add a subject and a message just as you would do in a typical email.
The email will automatically include a link to the document on iSite which the recipient will then be able to open or save; this link cannot be removed. To send the document as an attachment select the tick box ‘Send document in attachment’. The name of the user who sent the document will appear on the email; when replying to this message the email address of the user who sent the document will be automatically placed in the recipients list.
Click ‘Send’ to send the document to all recipients, or click ‘Cancel’ to return to the library.
Once the document has been sent it will generate a toaster to inform you that the document has been sent successfully.
Document Properties
Document properties allows you to see which users have interacted with the document either by downloading it or emailing it to other users.
Details show the current document name and version number. You can use the icon to change the document name, version number or the document status.
History allows you to view previous versions of the document.
Under Previous Versions you can see a list of previous versions of the document; the list will display the title of the previous version along with the date of when it was uploaded and which user created it. Clicking on ‘Restore’ will restore a previous version of the document to being the main document available in the DMS; clicking on ‘Download’ allows you to download a previous version to your PC. To reactivate the document click on the button; this will change the document status to ‘Active’ and users will be able to access the document again.
Mailing List
Mailing List provides information about when the document has been emailed to other users.
Readership provides information about which users have downloaded the document.
Comments shows all of the comments that have been added about the document. It will show the comment, the name of the user that made the comment and the date on which it was made; it also specifies which version of the document about which the comment was made. To add a comment to the document, type it into the comments box highlighted above. When you are ready to submit the comment click on the button. Comment tab will only include comments made within this tab.
Related Documents
Related Documents allows you to add a link to related documents in the DMS; it also shows you a list of the documents that have already been linked to the current document.
To add a related document click on the ‘Search records’ field and begin to type in the name of the document; this will generate a drop down list of all of the documents that you have access to. Select a document and the name will appear under the search records field. If you wish to add more related documents repeat the process, all of your selected links will appear under the search records field. To save the links click ‘Save’; the documents will then appear under ‘Existing Links’. To remove a link click the red cross next to the document. To remove all of the links click ‘Clear’.
Existing links shows you all of the documents that are related to the current document. You can only delete a link from existing links if the link was made from the current document; you cannot delete a link if it was made from another document. In the example shown below you would be able to delete the link to Analysis.docx by clicking the red cross next to the document. However, you would be unable to delete the link to Desert.jpg because it was made from another document; to delete this link you would need to go to the document where the link was originally made and delete it from there.
Links can only be added or changed by users who have appropriate permissions to edit the library; those who are only able to view the document will be unable to add or change links.
When a document is uploaded through Questionnaire it is assigned a Category; this can be viewed from the Categories tab of document properties. An example is shown below.
For more information on this function, see Prequalification.
Move Document
Move document allows you to move the document to another library; clicking this option will open the box shown below.
From here you can select the library that you wish to move the document to. Once you have selected the library, click on ‘Move’ to move the document to that library. Clicking on ‘Cancel’ will close the box without moving the document.
Add Document to Virtual Folder
Add document to virtual folder allows you to organise documents in the Virtual Folders section of iSite. See the Virtual Folders user guide for more information on virtual folders. Selecting this option opens the box shown below.
In the search bar, type in the name of the virtual folder that you wish to add the document to and select it. Click ‘Add’ to add the document to the virtual folder, click ‘Cancel’ to return to the library. If a user doesn’t have access to a document in the DMS then they will be unable to access it in virtual folders; this is to maintain document security.