Document Expiration
The Document Expiration Report is used to show the documents that are close to expiry for the selected Organisations and their specified categories.
To generate the report first select the Report Type as Document expiration. Choose the Prequalification Category and Organisation then click on Generate Report. You can select more than one category and Organisation to report on.
An example Document Expiry Report is shown below:
The report will state the expiry date with a RAG and file location within the DMS. Only the document that is the closest to expiry will display on report.
Supplier Performance
The Supplier Performance Report is used to monitor how well suppliers are performing on SPQs; selecting this report will open the options shown below.
From here you can select the organisations that you wish to monitor by searching for their name in the Organisation field and adding them to the list of organisations included in the report; the search list can be reduced by selecting an Organisation Category from the drop down list. You will also need to specify the year that you wish to check. When you have specified your search parameters simply click on 'Generate Report' and the report will be shown underneath; an example is shown below.
If you double click on a word in a table the Score will display for each quarter.
Clicking will open a preview of the supplier performance comments. This report shows all the comments made in each quarter when evaluating performance of the selected organisation. Clicking will export the comments as a PDF. Clicking will close the pop-up.
Multiple organisations can be compared at the same time simply by adding multiple organisations to the list; if you wish to remove an organisation from the report click the cross next to the organisation's name.
You can drill through to the organisation record by clicking on the name of the organisation that you wish to view.
Exception Report
The Exception report has been built to highlight exceptions associated with SPQs; exceptions occur when there has been a problem in the SPQ assigning process, or when an expected SPQ has not been completed.
To generate the report select ‘Exception Report’ from the Report Type drop-down menu, this will open the page shown below.
From here you will be asked to select an Exception Report sub-type; you can select from:
- Outstanding SPQs - This report displays all instances when the assigned SPQs have not yet been completed.
- Missing SPQs - This report displays a list of all projects that have not had an SPQ assigned to it.
- Exceptions - This report displays a list of all instances where an SPQ could not be assigned, for example if there was no contact for the selected job role on a project.
Once you have selected your report type you will need to select which projects are to be included in the report. You can either include all projects by clicking the 'Add all projects' tick box, or add individual projects from the list by using the plus button next to the required project. This list can be filtered by using the Programme and Project filters, or you can search for the project manually by scrolling down the list. After applying a filter you can use the Select all button to add all projects to the list, or add them individually.
After selecting projects to be included in the report you can view them under the selected projects list; they will display at programme level with a list of projects belonging to the programme underneath. If a project or programme has been added to this list by mistake it can be removed by using the minus button next to the required project.
Once you have selected all of the required projects you will need to input a date range for the project start dates; this is to ensure that the report only includes relevant data and does not include a long list of closed projects. Please note that if you have selected a project that is outside of the date range, it will not be included in the report. When you are ready to generate the report, click the Generate report button at the bottom on the page.
Outstanding SPQs
An example Outstanding SPQs report is shown below.
From this report you can view a list of projects that have outstanding SPQs. You can also expand this list to view specifically which contacts have not completed the SPQ, when it was scheduled and whether or not they have been notified about their outstanding assignment. In order to send the contact a reminder about the SPQ this simply select the assignments using the checkbox and click Notify Assignees; this will send the selected contacts a notification reminding them about the SPQ. Alternatively, you can select the All Assignments check box and click Notify Assignees, this will notify every contact of every instance where they have an SPQ assigned.
You can also export this report to excel by clicking the Export to Excel button.
Missing SPQs
An example Missing SPQs report is shown below.
Here you can view any projects that have not had any SPQs assigned against them; to assign an SPQ you will need to go to the project record.
An example Exceptions report is shown below.
To reassign the exceptions you must first go to each project and fix the problem that led to the exception occurring. For example, when the SPQ could not be assigned because there was no contact linked to the selected job role for the project you would need to go to the project and assign a contact for that job role.
Once all of the issues on the project have been fixed simply select the exceptions and then click Reassign, the SPQs will then be assigned to the appropriate contacts. Alternatively, you can select the All Exceptions check box and then click Reassign, this will reassign all SPQs where the issues have been fixed.
You can also export this report to excel by clicking the Export to Excel button.