Organisation Record
Selecting an organisation will take you to the organisation record page; you will also be taken to this page after you have created a new organisation. On this page, there are 9 tabs: General, Documents, Photo Gallery, Audit, Questionnaires, Prequalification, Issues, Links and Tasks.
General details
Under the general tab you can see all of the information on that Organisation as well as any tags that are assigned to it. An example organisation record is shown below:
To add a new profile picture for an organisation click on the ‘Image Coming Soon’ box; this will open the page shown below. Please note, you will only be able to add a picture to an organisation record that is not obsolete.
Before uploading the document you must choose a library that the document will be stored in; to select a library simply click the tick box next to the library in which you wish to store the document, you can select as many libraries as you require. You will be unable to click on the ‘Add’ button until you have selected a library in which to store the document.
Once you have selected your library click on ‘Upload Document’; this will open a link to your PC from which you can choose an image to upload. You can give the image a version number to let other users know which version of the image you’re using. You may wish to add a link to the image; to do this start to type the name of the link that you wish to add into the ‘Search Records box, this will generate a drop down menu from which you can select the link. Once selected the links will appear below the search bar; to delete the link click on the red cross next to the link that you wish to remove.
When you are ready to upload the image click on ‘Add’, this will update your profile picture to the new image and store the image in the library that you selected. Clicking on ‘Cancel’ will return you to the organisation record without changing the profile image.
The Tags box shows you all of the tags associated with that contact; tags allow users to search for contacts using the tag. From here you can also add tags to the contact, for example you may wish to associate a contact with a particular organisation or project. To add a tag click on ‘Add Tag’ which will open the dynamic search field shown below.
To add a tag to a record that is already in the system, type the first 3 letters of the tag that you wish to add and a drop-down list will appear; selecting an option will add the tag. To add a tag that is not in the system; type in the name of the tag and click the tick to add the tag, or click the cross to close the box.
Prequalification Widget
The prequalification widget helps you to keep track of all prequalification processes that are ongoing for the organisation; it displays the name of the category that the organisation is prequalifying for, the status of the prequalification, and how many criteria have been accepted for that category. For more information on this function see Prequalification.
To search for categories click the button next to the column header. For example, if you wanted to search by Name you could click the
button next to Name.
For more information on this function see Filters.
Functional Buttons
- Edit Record allows you to edit the currently selected record
- Add record search widget allows you to add a widget that will show you all related records of one type. To do this click on the
symbol displayed above which will open the popup below.
Enter a title and the click on the drop-down list next to Source, this will offer a list of record types that you can compare to. For example, while on a Contact record, I could add a widget to show me all organisations that are linked to that Contact. To do this I would type in a memorable title such as Linked Contacts and from the Source I would select organisation. This would then create a new widget at the bottom of the page shown below.
3. Favourite Record will favourite the record so that it will show up under favourites on the top bar
4. Export as CSV file or XML will export the contact record
5. Obsolete record
The prequalification process allows you to prequalify an organisation and track their progress using the widget on the Prequalification tab. Clicking on this tab will open the page shown below:
From here you can begin the prequalification process for that organisation, and view existing prequalification processes.
To begin the prequalification process click on , this will open the page shown below.
Click on Prequalification Category and begin to type in the name of a category, a list of relevant categories will generate for you to select. Once you have selected a category, the criteria for that category will populate at the bottom of the box; you will then need to select an Assignee and Reviewer for each criteria in the category. Questionnaires can only be assigned to internal contacts if they are a member of the organisation that you are prequalifying; if the person required to complete the questionnaire is not an internal contact then you can use an email address instead. Upon issuing the prequalification questionnaires, internal users will receive a notification that they have been assigned a questionnaire to complete and that they should go to Search Assignments to complete it; external users will receive a link to the questionnaire allowing them to complete the form without giving them access to the site. The list of reviewers is restricted by job role so you will only be able to select a reviewer with an appropriate job role for that criteria.
For more information on this process see Create Categories, Search Assignments and Completing Questionnaires.
Following this you will need to add a due date; clicking on will open a calendar allowing you to choose a date. The due date time defaults to the first minute of the chosen day; if you wish to change the time that the prequalification is due, for example to be submitted by 5pm on the chosen date, you can click
to select a time. You also have the option to provide a reason for the prequalification; this reason will be included on the notification sent to the user required to complete the prequalification questionnaire.
Once you have filled in the required detail click 'Ok' to being the prequalification process, clicking Cancel at any point will return you to the prequalification tab of the organisation.
After scheduling the prequalification process you'll be able to track its progress from the prequalification tab; by expanding the category you can see the status of each questionnaire within the category as well as the status of the overall prequalification process. If you have access to a questionnaire, either as an assignee or as a reviewer, you will be able to click on the questionnaire name and complete the questionnaire from here.
Once all questionnaires have been completed (see Completing Questionnaires for more information), click on the category to highlight the row and then click Accept. At this point you will be asked to confirm your SSIP accreditation; click 'Confirm' to prequalify the organisation, or click 'Cancel' to return to the Prequalification tab. The Accept button will only be available to users who have the required job role to prequalify that organisation; in addition you will only be able to prequalify the organisation if all of the category's criteria has been accepted.
If however, the organisation is not to be prequalified, you will be able to use the 'Reject' button at any point during the prequalification process. If any questionnaires have been rejected and closed, you will only be able to reject the organisation.
Search Categories
To search for categories click the button next to the column header. For example, if you wanted to search by Category Name you could click the
button next to Category Name.
For more information on this function see Filters.