The Questionnaire module allows you to build questionnaires to measure Key Performance Indicators against a variety of record types. From the main menu you can create new questionnaire templates, search for existing templates and view your assignments.
Create & Edit Questionnaire Template
To create a new questionnaire, click on Create Questionnaire Template; this will open the page shown below.
From here you can give your questionnaire template a name and add a brief description to describe the purpose of the questionnaire.
Next, select the type of questionnaire template that you wish to create; some templates may restrict the Applicable Record Types and question types that can be used during questionnaire creation. The template types are as follows:
- 'Generic' - All Applicable Record Types can be used, as can any type of question.
- 'Survey' - The Applicable Record Type is restricted to 'Project'; the only question type that can be used is the 'RAG' question. Questionnaires with this type will be linked to the SHE Site Assessor App for tablets; after creating this questionnaire it will be available on the app and all answers submitted will be viewable as part of the Questionnaire module.
- 'Prequalification Criteria' - The Applicable Record Type is restricted to 'Prequalification Category' and contextual questions cannot be used in this questionnaire type.
- 'Supplier Performance Questionnaire' - The Applicable Record Type is restricted to 'Programme'; this questionnaire type must contain at least one contextual question which is restricted to only include Organisations as the rated record type.
After selecting the questionnaire type you will also need to add an Applicable Record Type; questionnaires are assigned against a specific record, by selecting an applicable record type it makes it possible to assign a questionnaire against this record type. For example, if you wanted to create a Project Review questionnaire you would need to add Project to the Applicable Record Types. To add an Applicable Record Type simply search for the module name and select the appropriate option from the dropdown list.
After selecting the Template Type the page will expand to display the questionnaire structure as shown below.
The structure of the questionnaire can be customised using RAGs, sections and section weighting. You will also have the option to allow document upload for the whole questionnaire instead of just an individual question.
To set up an overall questionnaire RAG click on the button under Questionnaire RAG; click on the ‘Add’ button to add the desired number of rows. Add an upper bound for each row; an upper bound is the maximum possible percentage that will cause that RAG rating. Following this you will need to assign a colour to each of your RAG ratings; simply click on the menu under Colour and select the required colour. An example RAG set up is shown below.
RAG ratings must be listed in ascending order; if you create a rating in the wrong place you can use the arrows to move the rating up or down the list. You can also delete a rating by clicking the cross next to the rating.
To complete your RAG set up click ‘Save’ to save your selection, or click ‘Cancel’ to return to the Create Questionnaire page.
Document Upload for Whole Questionnaire
To allow uploading a document against the whole questionnaire simply click the Requires a document checkbox underneath the Edit RAG button. If this option is checked then document upload against the whole questionnaire will be mandatory. After selecting the option a popup will be generated asking you to select a library and a document category; selecting a library will upload the document to this library after the questionnaire has been approved, selecting a document category will classify the document and allow it to be searched for using this criteria. You will also have the option to specify the type of document that can be uploaded for a question; for example if the question requires the user to upload an insurance certificate you may wish to specify the files types to be a PDF instead of an image file.
Questionnaires can also be separated into different sections; to add a new section simply click on ‘Add New’ button next to the section title.
Each section can be given its own name, RAGs and weighting. To add a section name enter text into the Title field in Section Details, when you click out of the field the section name will be updated on the section tabs. To add a section RAG click on Edit RAG under Section RAG and follow the steps outlined above.
Section Weighting
Section weighting can be used to give more importance to one section over another; for example, in a questionnaire you may be more concerned about whether health and safety procedures were followed than whether employees conformed to the dress code, in this instance you could give a higher weighting to the Health and Safety section than the Dress Code section.
By assigning a section weighting of 3 to the Health and Safety section, and a weighting of 1 to the Dress Code section you would ensure that assignee's must do well on the Health and Safety section; a low score on this would outweigh any higher scores on Dress Code, resulting in an overall low score for the questionnaire.
The weighting is calculated as follows:
[(Section 1 score + Section 2 score…) & ((Section 1 possible total * weighting) + (Section 2 possible total * weighting)…)] * 100 = Overall questionnaire score
A numeric example is explained below.
RAG Scores (upper bound): Red – 50%, Amber – 75%, Green – 100%
Maximum score for Health and Safety: 10
Maximum score for Dress Code: 10
Questionnaire score for Health and Safety: 3
Questionnaire score for Dress Code: 9
Equal section weighting: [(3 + 9) & (10 + 10)] * 100 = 60% - Amber rating
Using section weighting: [(3 + 9) & ((10 * 3) + 10)] * 100 = 30% - Red rating
Without using section weighting in the above example the score for Dress Code would have masked the deficiencies in Health and Safety producing a less concerning Amber result. However, by using section weighting on important sections you can see a more accurate reflection of how well your assignee performed; their result will be given a Red rating which immediately highlights problems with their performance so that they can be addressed.
Question Types
After setting up the questionnaire you will be able to add questions; each section must contain at least one question. Question types include:
- Text question – upon generation this question type will populate a free text field for the assignee to type in their answer.
- Single choice – upon generation this question type will populate a list of options, the assignee will be able to select one option as their answer. To add a new option click on +Add new option; this will add a new line for you to add another option. Options can be deleted by clicking the ‘Remove Option’ button on the appropriate line. Each option can be given a score which is used to calculate the RAG rating. Options can also be assigned to enable a new section; using this function will hide the section until the appropriate option is selected, when the option is selected the new section will be added as a tab at the top of the questionnaire.
- Numeric – upon generation this question type will produce a numeric scale; the assignee can select a value between a minimum and maximum set during creation. Numeric values are included in the questionnaire score unless otherwise specified.
- Multiple Choice – This option is very similar to the Single Choice question type, however, upon generation this question type will populate a list of options where the assignee will be able to select multiple options as their answer. To add a new option click on +Add new option; this will add a new line for you to add another option. Options can be deleted by clicking the ‘Remove Option’ button on the appropriate line. Each option can be given a score which is used to calculate the RAG rating. Options can also be assigned to enable a new section; using this function will hide the section until the appropriate option is selected, when the option is selected the new section will be added as a tab at the top of the questionnaire.
- RAG - This question type can only be used when the 'Survey' questionnaire type is selected. The Red, Amber and Green score values will correspond with the RAG question options available on the SHE Site Assessor app; simply input the value that you wish each colour to represent for that question. You will also be able to link Task Templates to a question; on the app these will generate as a drop-down menu for the Actions page. For more information on creating a task template see Create Task and Templates.
For each question type you have the ability to allow document upload, make the question always applicable, and mark the question as non-scored.
- Requires a document – This option allows users to upload a document as part of a question; if this option is checked then document upload will be mandatory for that question unless the whole question is marked as ‘Not applicable’. After selecting the option a popup will be generated asking you to select a library and a document category; selecting a library will upload the document to this library after the questionnaire has been approved, selecting a document category will classify the document and allow it to be searched for using this criteria. You will also have the option to specify the type of document that can be uploaded for a question; for example if the question requires the user to upload an insurance certificate you may wish to specify the files types to be a PDF instead of an image file.
- Always applicable – On questionnaire assignments each question is automatically populated with the option to mark it as ‘Not applicable’, however in some cases you may wish the question to be mandatory. Marking a question as ‘Always applicable’ will not generate the checkbox ‘Not applicable’ and so the assignee will have to complete this question before submitting.
- Do not score – Single choice, Numeric and Rating question types are scored and will contribute to the overall questionnaire score. If a question is marked with a ‘Do not score’ then its score will not be included in the overall score.
- Contextual questions – the contextual question type can be used to automatically create questions about specific record types. Simply mark the question as a 'Contextual question' using the check box, and then select the record type that you wish to rate. For example, you want to conduct a weekly supplier performance review for all suppliers working on your project. Without the contextual question you would have to create a questionnaire with all of your questions to measure performance and repeat these for every supplier working on the project, the following week you would have to create a completely new questionnaire about the suppliers working on the project for that week. However, by using the contextual question type you would only have to create one base questionnaire template; upon assigning the questionnaire relevant records would populate allowing you to select which suppliers should be rated for that week. When the questionnaire generates a space to answer the question is automatically created for each supplier against each question. You will also get an option to add a comment for each supplier and an option to select Not Applicable for every supplier individually. This question type therefore allows you to use the same base questionnaire template each week, and for different projects, rather than creating a new questionnaire for each instance. For more information on this function see Scheduling Questionnaires, and Completing Questionnaires.
To remove a question simply click the button next to the appropriate question.
Once you have finished your questionnaire set up click ‘Save’; this will create the questionnaire template and save it as a draft under Questionnaire Templates. At this point you will be taken to the Questionnaire Template.
Clicking on Cancel at any point during creation will generate a popup asking you to confirm your action; clicking ‘Continue Working’ will return you to the questionnaire template creation page, or clicking ‘Yes, Close’ will take you to the questionnaire template search page.
Questionnaire Template
From the Questionnaire Template you can view question details, make changes to the template and view previous versions. Clicking on this option will open the page shown below:
When the questionnaire template is first created, it remains in draft form until it is published; whilst in draft form the questionnaire template will not be available to schedule. To publish the questionnaire template click on the button; this will make the questionnaire template available to be scheduled and further edits to this version will no longer be possible.
Under the Structure section of the questionnaire template you will be able to view all questions and sections saved under the specified version; the structure defaults to displaying the current published version but previous versions of the questionnaire template can be viewed by selecting a different version from the drop-down menu.
Functional Buttons
There are four functional buttons on the questionnaire template: Edit, Favourite, Obsolete and Who Can See This Module.
- Edit this record – this button allows you to edit the questionnaire template. Because published versions of the questionnaire cannot be edited, editing the template will create a new version; this version must be saved and published before it will be available to schedule.
- Toggle favourite status for this record – this button allows you to favourite the record; this will add it to the Show Favourites list and allow you to access it quicker.
- Obsolete this record – this button will obsolete the record and hide it from view from all users except those who have security access.
- Who Can See This Module – clicking on this button will allow you to view which Access Principles are allowed to view the Questionnaire module.