Programme Record
A Programme record houses all information related to the programme; it can be used to group a number of projects under one umbrella. On this page there are 9 tabs: General, Documents, Photo Gallery, Audit, Questionnaires, Issues, Links, Tasks and Events.
General Details:
Under the General tab you can see programme information, all projects associated with the programme, a breakdown of the programme & project events, a view of all the project time lines, as well as any tags that are assigned to the Programme.
Programme events gives you a breakdown of all events in all the related projects. It will show you all of the top level events from the time lines; clicking on a tile will open a list of all child events with a percentage completion of events.
Projects Timeline shows you the time line for all of the related projects. You cannot edit the time line from here, to do this you would need to go to the project itself and edit the timeline from there. At the top left of the widget you can choose to hide & show different column of the table depending on what you want to see. You can export the time line as a PDF by clicking "Export To PDF". You can switch the timeline view by clicking on Day, Week, Month; this will extend & condense the time line based on what you select. In the top right corner of the box you can click the "Table view" icon to change the project time line from Gantt view to table view. To change it back click the button again.
The Tags box shows you all of the tags associated with that programme; tags allow users to search for the programme using that tag. From here you can also add tags to the programme; to add a tag click on ‘Add Tag’ which will open the dynamic search field shown below.
To add a tag to a record that is already in the system, type the first 3 letters of the tag that you wish to add and a dropdown list will appear; selecting an option will add the tag. To add a tag that is not in the system; type in the name of the tag and click the tick to add the tag, or click the cross to close the box.
To delete existing tags, click the cross next to the tag that you wish to delete.
The Related Resources widget shows all the contacts assigned to events on the projects within the programme or linked to a programme using the Project Resources function on the Related Resources widget. Project Resources function links contacts to the programme but not to an event within a specific project.
Functional Buttons
At the top right hand corner of this page you can see these buttons;
- Edit Record allows you to edit the currently selected record
- Programme Report creates a PDF report of the programme.
- Add record search widget allows you to add a widget that will show you all related records of one type.
- Favourite Record will favourite the record so that it will show up under favourites on the top bar
- Export will allow you to select from the different export options for this project; CSV, XML & Excel (import)
- Add Projects to Programme will allow you to bulk create projects
- Mark Programme as Obsolete will obsolete the current programme. Note - Programmes cannot be unobsoleted.
Add Projects to Programme
Clicking on Add Projects to Programme will take you to the page shown below.
The first step you must complete is to input the quantity of projects that you wish to add to the programme. The Programme field is auto-populated with the name of the programme whose record you have accessed to go to the bulk create form; this field cannot be edited. Once you have entered the quantity click Next to go to Step 2.
From here you can fill in details of the project; all mandatory fields must be completed before moving onto the next step. Once you have completed the form, click Next to go to Step 3.
Field |
Type |
Extra Info |
Start Date |
Date picker. Select a date to start the project. |
Status |
Drop down field. Status of the project e.g. Overdue. |
This is a mandatory field. |
Category |
Drop down field. Project category e.g. Marketing. |
This is a mandatory field. |
Priority |
Drop down field. Priority of the project e.g. High. |
This is a mandatory field. |
Project Type |
Drop down field. Type of project e.g. Banking. |
This is a mandatory field. |
Timeline Template |
Drop down field. Select a timeline template to use. |
Project Name |
Free text field. Input the name of the project. |
This is a mandatory field. |
Use property name |
Check box. Use the property name for the name of the project. |
Project Code |
Free text field. Give the project a code. |
This is a mandatory field. |
Class |
Drop down field. Project class e.g. Leisure. |
This is a mandatory field. |
Description |
Free text field. Describe the project in more detail. |
This is a mandatory field. |
Step 3 allows you to amend specific details of the projects; from here you can associate the project with a property, add a timeline template and a start date for each project. There is also a list of existing projects associated with the programme. An example is shown below.
Once you have finished editing the Project details click Finish to create the projects; alternatively you can click Previous to go back to amend a previous page. Clicking Cancel will close the bulk create wizard without adding any projects to the programme.
The Questionnaire tab displays all questionnaires associated with the programme and allows you to schedule questionnaires about the programme. Also there is a section to schedule Supplier Performance Questionnaire for Organisations that belong to one of the Projects included in selected Programme. Opening this tab will display the page shown below.
Questionnaire Schedule
To schedule a questionnaire about the programme click on the field under Applicable Templates and start to type in the name of the questionnaire template; this will generate a list of questionnaires that are about programmes. Select a questionnaire template and click 'Create' , this will open the box shown below.
From here you will be able to schedule questionnaire assignments; for more information on this function see Scheduling Questionnaires.
Under Scheduled Assignments you can see all questionnaire types that have been assigned against the programme; clicking on an assignment type will display a list of contacts who have been assigned a questionnaire, the status of this questionnaire and the due date.
Under Assignments, you can see a full list of all assignments that have been scheduled against the programme. The page is separated into four tabs: All, Assigned to me, Assigned by me, For me to review.
- All – this tab displays all questionnaires that you are linked to.
- Assigned to me – this tab displays questionnaires that you are required to complete.
- Assigned by me – this tab displays questionnaires that you scheduled.
- For me to review – this tab displays questionnaires that you are required to review.
The list of questionnaire assignments contains the following information:
- Template Name
- Status
- Assignee
- Reviewer
- Originator
- Due Date
If you have access to one of the questionnaire assignments here, either as an assignee or as a reviewer, you will be able to click on the link under Template Name and complete the questionnaire.
Search Questionnaire Assignments
To search for questionnaire assignments click the button next to the column header. For example, if you wanted to search by Due Date you could click the
button next to Due Date.
For more information on this function see Filters.
Sort Questionnaires
You can also sort items by grouping them; to do this drag the column header that you wish to group by into the blue box above the columns. This will sort the questionnaires into groups defined by the column header; in the example shown below the questionnaire assignments have been grouped by Status.
To change the order that the questionnaire assignments are displayed in click the column header that you wish to organise by. Clicking once will arrange them in alphabetical order defined by the information in that column. Clicking the column header for a second time will arrange the questionnaire assignments in reverse alphabetical order. Clicking the column header for a third time will return the questionnaire assignment to displaying in the original order.
Custom Filters
Custom Filters allow you to conduct a more detailed search of the questionnaire assignments; these are expandable & collapsible using the filter symbol . For more information on this function see Custom Filters.
Supplier Performance Questionnaire (SPQ)
To schedule Supplier Performance Questionnaire navigate to Supplier Performance Questionnaire Scheduler widget. First select SPQ template that you want to assign to Organisation. You can narrow down the Organisations list using the Company category filter and select just the category that you are interested in. The list of Organisations will be filtered and only those Organisations will display that belongs to selected category.
Select the job roles you wish to assign the questionnaire to by clicking the Assignee job roles drop-down. More than one job role can be selected here. Next, select Project and Organisation using the tick boxes. Use to select all the projects within the programme.
When you click the arrow to expand the project, you can select desired or all organisations within the project that need to be assigned the questionnaire.
If an organisation has not been prequalified, this will be shown next to the organisation name . The questionnaires can still be assigned even if the organisation is not prequalified.
You can set the frequency at which the questionnaires will be assigned to the relevant job roles on the selected projects. Select the option from the dropdown.
Click on . SPQ will be assigned to the records with the specified job roles against the project. An email notification about the assignment will be sent to the contacts with the selected job roles.
The Events tab gives an overview of all project events and how complete they are. Projects are listed along the left hand side of the table and all of the parent events are listed along the top. From here you can see how complete each parent event is within each project.
Trade Allocation
Trade Allocations are used to add Key Organisations to your Programme; this can be useful as it allows you to view which organisations are available as resources for your project. They are also used as part of Supplier Performance Questionnaires to help you determine how well your suppliers are performing on your project.
Trade allocation form a programme that allows you to manage the trade allocations against all of the project held within that programme.
Sorting Search Grid
You have the ability to filter the search grid to display suppliers by the organisation or Trade by selecting the relevant option at the top of the grid. You can also group by the project that will put all trade allocations for each project together.
Adding a Supplier:
There are two ways to add suppliers to a project. You do this by selecting the “Assign by trade” or “Assign by organisation” options at the top.
Assign by trade:
You use this option when you know what trade you need for the project(s) but not the organisation.
Use the drop-down to select the Trade that you need and the organisation drop-down will populate with all of the organisation in the system that have that trade. If you click save without assigning an organisation, it will be added without the organisation so you can some back later and add it at a later date.
Project drop-down allows you to select which project this trade is assigned to. You can also choose to apply it to all projects held within that programme.
Assign by organisation:
This is where you know the organisation that has been allocated to the project but are unsure what trade they are assigned as.
This option allows you to search for the organisation in the system, the trade dropdown will then populate with all of the trades that the selected organisation has been marked as. Unlike assign by trade, you must select both option before saving.
Project drop-down allows you to select which project this trade is assigned to. You can also choose to apply it to all projects held in that programme.
Copy trade allocations:
At the top of the grid there is an option to Copy Trade Allocations. This will allow you to copy the trades that have been set up on one project within this programme to any of the other projects within that programme.
This option allows you to select which project you want to copy the allocations from and then you can select which project you want to copy them to.
Select all projects in programme will quickly select every project held within that programme and apply it to them all
Reset all existing allocations will remove any existing allocations on the select projects and replace them with the ones from the project you are copying from.