Selecting a property will take you to that specific properties record page; you will also be taken to this page after you have created a new property. On this page there are 9 tabs: General, Energy, Documents, Photo Gallery, Locations, Questionnaires, Issues, Links and Tasks.
Under the General tab you can see all of the information associated with that property as well as any tags that are assigned to it. An example property record is shown below.
The General Details and Financial Details boxes provide information about the property.
To add a new profile picture for a property click on the ‘Image Coming Soon’ box; this will open the page shown below. Please note, you will only be able to add a picture to a property record that is not obsolete.
Before uploading the document you must choose a library that the document will be stored in; to select a library simply click the tick box next to the library in which you wish to store the document, you can select as many libraries as you require. You will be unable to click on the ‘Add’ button until you have selected a library in which to store the document.
Once you have selected your library click on ‘Upload Document’; this will open a link to your PC from which you can choose an image to upload. You can give the image a version number to let other users know which version of the image you are using. You may wish to add a link to the image; to do this start to type the name of the link that you wish to add into the ‘Search Records box, this will generate a drop down menu from which you can select the link. Once selected the links will appear below the search bar; to delete the link click on the red cross next to the link that you wish to remove.
When you are ready to upload the image click on ‘Add’, this will update your profile picture to the new image and store the image in the library that you selected. Clicking on ‘Cancel’ will return you to the property record without changing the profile image.
The Tags box shows you all of the tags associated with that property; tags allow users to search for a property using the tag. From here you can also add tags to the property, for example, you may wish to associate a property with a particular organisation or project. To add a tag click on ‘Add Tag’ which will open the dynamic search field shown below.
To add a tag to a record that is already in the system, type the first 3 letters of the tag that you wish to add and a dropdown list will appear; selecting an option will add the tag. To add a tag that is not in the system; type in the name of the tag and click the tick to add the tag, or click the cross to close the box.
Functional Buttons
- Edit Record allows you to edit the currently selected record
- Add linked records widget allows you to add a widget that will show you all related records of one type. To do this click on the symbol displayed above which will open the pop-up below.
Enter a title and click on the drop-down list next to Source, this will offer a list of record types that you can compare to. For example, while on a Property record, I could add a widget to show me all contacts that are linked to that Property.
To do this I would type in a memorable title such as Linked Contacts and from the Source, I would select contacts in Property. This would then create a new widget at the bottom of the page that will look like:
3. Create a Task for this Property. See Tasks
4. Favourite Record will add this record to your favourites which can be found in the top right-hand corner of the screen
5. Export the Property details as CSV file, XML file, or Excel (Import)
6. Obsolete the Property
From the Energy tab, you can see an overview of how efficient the property is in relation to electrical, gas, water, and energy. This information is generated through imported information and uploaded against the property record. This will be done by someone with the security access to do so. For more information speak with an administrator.
Within a property record, you can add details of specific areas of the property; this can be done via the locations tab. From here you are able to add floors, and within the floor add a sub-level for rooms.
There are three tabs at the top of the locations page.
Add a new location – clicking this will create a new line to add to the property
Once you have populated the row click on update to add it or cancel to reset. You can then click and drag to make it correspond to another floor.
You can tell which are dependant by the small arrow next to the name.
If it is a new property you have the ability to copy locations from another property. To do this click on “Copy from another property”; this will create a popup where you can search for another property. It will only copy the location names and not the photos. Alternatively, you can copy from a property record to another property. To do this click on the property that has all of the locations listed and click on “Copy to”, again a popup search box will appear where you can search for the property you would like to copy the locations to. (This new property cannot have any existing locations).
Exporting and Importing Locations
Locations can be exported and imported only with XML file type. More details regarding exporting & importing files can be found within the Import section.