This article will look at the following:
- Homepage Widgets
- Key Performance Indicators
- Upcoming Events
- Scheduler
- My Occurrences
- Upcoming Tasks
- My Tasks
- Task Changes
- My Checked Out Documents
- Asset Categories Drilldown
- Asset Replace Cost
- Events with Delayed start
- Unfinished Events
- Lease Rent Forecast
- Resource Profile
- Supplier Performance
- Create New Widgets
Homepage Widgets
The homepage widgets give you an overview of the entire system allowing you to see upcoming events, upcoming tasks, and a range of other information. Homepage widgets are customisable for each individual; this allows you to find relevant information quickly and easily without having to search for it.
To add new widgets scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the button. From here you can access a drop down menu that displays all available widgets; simply select the widget that you wish view and then click on the Add to Dashboard button.
Dashboards that have been created in Sisense can also be selected from this widget; these dashboards have Sisense as a prefix so that you can differentiate between them. Users will only be able to view Sisense dashboards that they have been granted access to.
Users with the appropriate security access will also have the option to create their own widgets. To create your own widget click ; this will generate the pop up window shown below. From here you can create a table widget listing details from different types of records. First you will need to provide a Title for your widget and then select a Record Type from the Source drop down menu; the tabular data for this widget will be taken from this record type. Then use the filters below to select the fields that are required to create a table. Click on Add to create the widget or Cancel to close the pop up window.
When creating a widget a user with the correct permissions will have the ability to publish it either globally or individually:
- Globally - The widget will be available in the drop down menu for all users to display but they will have the option to remove it.
- Individually - The widget will only appear for the user who created it.
By default all created widgets will be published only for the user who created them and will not appear globally. To publish the widget globally select the option on the pop up window.
Created widgets can also be deleted from the list; select the widget that you wish to delete and then click the button. Note that only created widgets can be deleted from the list, system generated widgets cannot be deleted.
After you have finished adding widgets to your homepage you can edit the layout of each of the widgets to suit your preference. Each of the widgets on the home screen have functional buttons in the top right corner of the box.
Examples of different functions on the homepage widgets are shown below:
- Collapse - Minimises the Widget (and leaves the reference bar).
- Expand - This enlarges a minimised Widget.
- Toggle Size - Expands the Widget horizontally.
- Compress – Compresses the Widget horizontally.
- Full Screen – Displays the widget across the full.
- Close – Removes the widget from the homepage.
You also have the option to rearrange how your widgets are displayed; simply drag and drop them to your selected location and the layout will be updated accordingly.
Key Performance Indicators
The dashboard below gives you an overview of different aspects of the site: Estate Manager, Projects and Maintenance. You can customise what tiles are shown on the RAG matrix by clicking Manage Tiles button . You can also sort the display order by clicking RAG Ascending & Descending
Clicking on the Manage Tiles button will open a pop up allowing you to select which tiles and which RAG matrix you wish to be shown within the KPI widget.
Upcoming Events
The Upcoming Events widget gives you an overview of all future events.
You can use the radio buttons across the top to specify which events you want to see:
- All will show you a list of all events that you have access to.
- My Events will show you a list of all events where you are named as the Project Owner or are assigned as a resource to the event.
- My Projects will list all events where you are assigned to a project either as a Manager or as an assigned resource.
- My Programmes will display all events on a project where you are either named as the Project Manager or have been linked to the programme.
The complete button at the top allows you to complete any event you have selected. This function works the exact same way as completing an event on a timeline.
The Scheduler shows you a calendar overview of any upcoming work that you have been assigned to. Clicking on the link will open the relevant record so that you can view the work in more detail. The calendar can be viewed as a month or an individual day by using the Month & Day buttons in the top right corner of the widget.
The Scheduler displays:
- Tasks - planned, reactive and snag tasks. Please note, that for Planned tasks only the current instance of the task can be opened and viewed. If the current instance has not yet been completed then you will not be able to see any future instances of the Planned task.
- Lease - Important lease dates such as the Start of the Lease, the Next Rent Review Date, and the Break Option Date.
- Import - All Scheduled Imports.
- Projects - Important project dates such as the Start and End Dates for the project.
- Timesheets - All upcoming periods of absence such as personal holidays.
My Occurrences
The ability for users to be able to print multiple maintenance dockets is FAL controlled to allow users to add the ‘My Occurrences’ widget to their Home page. This is set via FAL setting Maintenance > Maintenance Plan > My Occurrence Widget
Once the FAL setting has been actioned for the relevant user profile, the users requiring the ability to print multiple maintenance occurrence dockets, can now perform this action by the user adding a ‘My Occurrences’ widget to their Homepage.
Home > add new widget
User will select the ‘My Occurrence’ widget from the Add widget selection and then select the Add to dashboard button
Below shows what the new ‘My Occurrence’ widget looks like. The screen will auto filter to the current year and month, but the user will have thew ability to change this to the required range if needs be.
Users can now filter by Supplier or Property and have the ability to select individual or multiple occurrences to print. If multiple occurrences are selected, then these will be saved into a Zipped file in the downloads folder on the users device (PC/Laptop), Print options Individual PDFs (Zip), Single PDF or Single PDF (Zip)
The user has the ability to select which occurrences they want to print the dockets for and the files will download as shown in the screenshot below.
With feedback from end user, we have updated the requirements to the My Occurrence widget. We have now introduced the ability to Generate dockets that have progressed passed Open status ( Pending, Over Due and Failed).
Below screenshot shows the new Generate Docket and Upload buttons. User is still able print using the Print icon in the top righthand corner.
The Generate Docket Button now allows the user to get a PDF copy produced electronically rather than having to print it, update and then upload to the Occurrence.
At the bottom part of the PDF, the user will see any previous actions taken that may already exist. They will then need to populate the date completed, Name (auto populates with User, but can be changed) and add an electronic signature. All these 3 fields are mandatory and will not let you complete the occurrence if left blank. Finally, the user can now make any additional comments if required. If all is completed, the user can select ‘Complete Occurrence’. The user still has the ability to export to PDF if they so wish.
At the point of ‘Complete Occurrence, the user is presented with the pop up to upload the docket to a library folder location.
The Upload Document button allows the user to upload documents against the Occurrence outside of the Docket completion process. This is o that the user can add other evidence documents if they so wish.
User is presented with the Upload options. User will select the document to upload by selecting the ‘Upload Document’ Button and select document from their local storage or chose from the Document Store (DMS)
Upcoming Tasks
The Upcoming Tasks widget shows any task that has been assigned to you or your organisation and has not yet been completed. You can use the radio buttons across the top of the widget to specify which task types you would like to see.
- All will show you a list of all tasks that you have access to.
- Assigned to Me will show you a list of all tasks that have been assigned to you.
- Assign to My Organisation will show you a list of all tasks that have been assigned to your organisation.
- Not Assigned will show you a list of all tasks that have not yet been assigned to a contact or organisation.
- Type will allow you to select multiple task types and filter the upcoming tasks.
From this widget you have the ability to select a number of tasks and either assign or reassign them to someone else. To do this select the tasks using the check box on the left side of the widget; then click on the person icon at the top of the widget .
This will open a pop-up window which can be used to search for another contact. Select a contact and then click Ok; the user will then receive a notification to inform them that they have been assigned to the task.
My Tasks
The My Tasks widget shows all the tasks that have been set up by you or have been assigned to you or your organisation for an action. This widget allows you to bulk accept or reject a number of tasks. You can use the Type filter to select multiple task types to view in this widget.
The radio buttons situated at the top of the page allow you to search for tasks that are Pending or Awaiting acceptance.
To bulk Accept or Reject a task select the Awaiting Acceptance radio button. In this mode you will be presented with the two additional buttons Accept and Reject.
Select tasks from a list that you would like to bulk operate by ticking in the box and then the action buttons will be activated.
Task Changes
This widget shows all tasks that have had changes made to them, which you are also assigned to. You can use the Type filter to view multiple tasks types in this widget.
Clicking the arrow next to each of the task will bring up an audit log of the event.
You can also click on the blue hyper-link name to be taken to the task record.
My Checked Out Documents
The My Checked Out Documents widget contains a list of all documents that have been checked out by you. From here you can check in the document by clicking on the icon; once the document has been checked back in it will be removed from the list. For more information on checking in documents see Check In Document.
Asset Categories Drilldown
This widget provides an overview of all Assets within iSite, broken down by category. They are RAG rated to show the condition of the asset; RAG ratings will have been configured by your administrator.
Clicking on a section of the chart will show you a more detailed view of the assets relating to the category that you have clicked on.
Once you have narrowed down your search to the assets that you wish to view, click on the show assets button at the bottom of the widget and this will take you to the asset search console
It will auto populate the search filters displaying a detailed view of the selected assets.
Asset Replace Cost
The Asset Replace Cost widget shows you a breakdown of the costs to replace your assets each year. You can drill down to see each section in more detail by clicking on one of the bars in the chart; this will give you a breakdown of the different categories of asset that make up the cost.
Once you have drilled down to view the selected assets click on the Show Assets button at the bottom of the page which will take you to the asset search console and populate the search with the desired filters to view the assets in more detail.
Events with Delayed Start
This will give you a breakdown of the number of events with a delayed start (Amber and Red); these parameters will have been set by your administrator.
Clicking on one of the bars in the chart will display a list of all events with the selected rating.
You can then click on the title of the event to view the related project record in more detail.
Unfinished Events
The Unfinished Events widget shows the number of events which have been started but are not yet complete; these are divided into Amber and Red categories depending on how near to the due date that the event is.
Clicking on one of the bars in the chart will populate a list of all of the events in the selected category.
You can then click on the event titles to view the related project record in more detail. Alternatively you can complete a number of events from this widget.
To complete an event first select the events that are ready to be completed and then click on the Complete button, this will open the popup shown below.
From here you can select the date on which the events were completed and then click the Complete button; this will mark any events that do not require evidence as completed. If an event requires evidence it will be highlighted in the Events Not Completed popup window, an example is shown below.
Once you have made a note of the events that need completing you can close the window and return the Unfinished Events widget.
Lease Rent Forecast
The Lease Rent Forecast widget predicts how much rent will be paid or received in a given year; this is calculated using all leases in the system.
To see an exact value, simply hover over the appropriate bar and the exact value will be shown. Clicking on a bar will show a breakdown of the rent forecast by property; an example is shown below.
To return to the Lease Rent Forecast click on the Back button at the top of the screen.
Resource profile
The Resource Profile widget will show you the resource demand broken down by job role.
You can use the radio buttons across the top to specify the information that you wish to see:
- All will display the demand across all job roles.
- My Programs will display the demand for job roles for programmes where you are either assigned as the Project Manager to one of the projects within the programme, or have been linked through the Links tab.
- My Projects will show you the demand for job roles for projects where you have been assigned to the project either as a Project Manager, or have been linked through the Links tab.
If you deselect one of the job roles (below the chart), the chart will update to exclude that job role. Click the job role again to include it back in the chart.
Hovering over a specific chart piece will show you the resource demand information of the selected job role.
The date range is set to 3 months but can be changed by selecting a different date using the icons. When you have selected the desired date range, click
and the chart will refresh to only show the information related to the selected date range. An example is shown below.
Clicking on a chart piece for a specific job role will open a more detailed view of the job role resource. You will see the demand and availability percentage for the selected role within the selected date range.
If you deselect one of the options (Demand or Availability), the chart will update to exclude that option. Click the option again to include the option back in the chart.
Hovering over a specific chart piece will show you the information on demand and availability of the selected job role.
Clicking on will refresh the chart and show all available job roles again.
KPI - Supplier Performance
This widget allows the user to see performance scores achieved when a Supplier Questionnaire has been assigned and completed. Each questionnaire is RAG rated with defined settings, this allows the user to review and manage supplier performance
The following widget can now be seen on the users Homepage. Completed questionnaires will be seen in this widget. This gives the user an overview of how the supplier is performing. The widget shows the RAG after the most recent questionnaire, the Average RAG over the last 5 events
The results are calculated by the following definition and are calculated upon the questionnaire being saved
>0 , <=33 – RED
>33 , <=66 – AMBER
>66 , <=100 - GREEN
Create New Widget
As well as adding existing widgets to your home page, you also have the option to create your own widgets. To create your own widget select the Create Widget option from the menu at the bottom of the page.
This will open the Create Widget popup shown below:
From here you can give your widget a title and select the data source that you wish to display in your widget, for example you may wish to create a widget to display all contacts within a specific department. Next you can use the filters to filter the data set to the chosen parameters, for more more information on filters see Custom Filters. You can also select which columns you wish to display in the widget.
There are two check boxes you will need to consider on the Create Widget popup:
- Publish Globally - This check box determines whether the widget you are creating will be available for all users to view, or just the current user's account. By default the widget will only be available on the current user's account, but by selecting the check box it will be added to the list of widget options that every user has access to. Note that this check box is security controlled and so only a limited number of users will be able to publish widgets globally.
- Show Restricted Data - Selecting this option will allow users view a limited amount of data on records that they do not have access to view. The data will appear only in this widget, and any user without access to the record will not be able to view the linked record. Note that this check box is security controlled and so only a limited number of users will be able to grant access to restricted data.
Once you have finished creating your widget, click the Add button to add the widget to the list of widgets on the home page. Click Cancel to return to the home page without creating the widget.