Select all option within a folder in the DMS
Users can now add or remove all documents within a folder to the basket in one go instead of having to add each document individually. The add and Delete all options are now within the new Library Tools button. User first needs to select the folder they want to include the documents to add to basket.
Functional Security List descriptions
We have introduced a description column to the Functional Security page so that admin users that maintain FAL settings have a better idea of what each setting relates to. Detailed descriptions can be added by the developers when new FAL settings are introduced
From Tools > Site Admin > Power Menu > Functional Security
Questionnaire menu item
The Questionnaire module is now an entity of its own, so we have created a separate menu item in the navigation pane. This is set Live from the
Tools > Site Admin >Modules
To support this, there has been an addition to the FAL security list so that admin users can control what options / access users can be given for this module item
Tools > Site Admin > Power Menu > Functional Security > Questionnaire
Assigning Supplier, Supervisors and Engineers to Work Orders
Users can now assign a Supplier, Supervisor, and Engineer to a Work Order.
Supervisor and Engineer fields are filtered using generic and parent Organisation links to the property by default.
After selecting an Organisation/Supplier, the Supervisor and Engineer search fields also filter contacts that are linked to the selected Organisation/Supplier.
When selecting an Engineer, the Work Order can be displayed via the mobile Maintenance solution for them to complete.
Using the Supervisor field will trigger an email notification to the Supervisor, who must then select the Engineer who will be assigned the work.
If no Organisation/Supplier is selected, the Supervisor field can be used for an internal Supervisor who will assign local Engineers.
In both cases, the Engineers assigned will see the work in the summary screen on the mobile solution, or if working via the main site, will send out emails to inform the assigned Engineer.
Work Order Assigned widget on Organisation record and the ability to Export
Users now have a new widget on the Organisation record. It shows Work Orders that have been assigned to the Organisation. This can be used by Supervisors to assign engineers accordingly. This list can then be exported directly from the widget.
Manually manage Budget changes on Projects
Users are now able to detract from the original budget on a Project and to manually manage. There is also a mechanism to be able to add and track additional RFC (Request for Change) budget requests on the project.
The functionality also includes an approvals workflow, so any requests for additional budget notifies assigned approvers to action and provide full visibility.
In order to use this functionality, there are additional actions that need to be carried out in sequence within the following areas (Additional training materials are available that details the set up process)
- Subscriptions
- Programmes
- Associated Projects
RFC progress will now show on the Project RFC widget on the Project record. It is from here that the relevant user will request additional budget using the ‘+Add New RFC’ button.
From this screen managers can review the Project budget and to see whether the requests for RFC have been rejected or approved.
The Pie chart gives a visual indication of budget spend and any remaining values
News widget enhancements
The News widget has been separated and is now a module of its own. This will now allow admin to switch on and off the module as and when required.
With the Module is switched on, users can add the news widget to the home dashboard.
To add the widget, select add new widget, select the news widget from the Available widgets list and then click ‘Add to dashboard’.
Once added, users can move and rearrange the widget by dragging into position.
Users can search for News items that are available by using the search box.
Management of the News widget is now located in the ‘Admin’ section:
Tools > Site Admin > News
By using the Add News Item link, the following screen is displayed. Users can then add an image, set the Headline, add any additional text, choose when the news item should be displayed until and add a Hyperlink to access when clicked. The item can also be Hidden, Deleted or Pinned so it always appears in the widget.
Once news item details have been populated and saved. These can then be searched and seen on the Home Page Widget.
New fields added to Work Order screen for Remedial process
For the Remedial work order process, we have added two new fields to work orders.
‘Maintenance Type’ - shows the Planned Maintenance type this remedial was raised from and is auto populated using the type from the occurrence.
‘Remedial Type’ – to be selected from a dropdown list by the user.
These fields will only appear when the user raises a Remedial work order from a Planned Maintenance task.
Maintenance Supervisor field on the Organisation record
We have introduced a supervisor field on an Organisation record. The provides the ability to assign to a Supervisor on a Work Order. The Supervisor can then assign a relevant engineer on the work order after review.
Add Preferred supplier via Category on Property record
Users can now nominate preferred suppliers to auto assign when creating a work order.
Preferred suppliers can now be added at a Category level on the Property record.
On the Property record, the user will select a supplier in the preferred supplier field and then select the category of work they would be suitable for from the Select Category button
Work order auto assign with Preferred supplier set up on Property
When a preferred Supplier has been set against a property record as above, they will now be automatically assigned if the relevant category and property are selected when creating a work order.
If there are no preferred suppliers set, when a category is changed on the Work Order, the user will get a prompt message (shown below) advising them to populate the supplier manually.
Service Request attachments pass to first Work Order (Part of Mobile)
When a service request is created and there attached files, these files are now attached to the first work order that is generated from this request. This ensures files are relayed to the Engineer.
Subsequent work orders generated do not get the files passed over automatically.
If these files are needed on subsequent work orders, users will have to manually attach as required.
On the Service Request Document tab there now is a Service Request Evidence folder. The system is set up to upload the attachment to the Service Request Evidence folder.
When a Work Order is generated, the attachment on the SR will then appear in the Work Order Evidence folder on the WO
Site Aesthetic enhancements (Multiple enhancements)
Search Page Icons alignment and widget styling
We have restyled our Search page icons across the system to align how they look and feel. We have moved action icons into dropdown menus to minimise the clutter of icons across the top bar. This has been adopted system wide across all the record types.
Action icons
Changed menu item order, so that they appear consistent across modules
We have reviewed the Search and Create menu items across the system so that these are consistent in how they appear under each module type. Each module will now have the Search menu appear before the Create option as shown in example below
Add Select All and Search option to column selector function on all search screens
Apart from the Search Occurrence and Search Timesheet functions, all the rest of the Search screens have had the Column selector function updated so that the user can select all and search for specific columns.
Jeopardy Dashboard action button alignment
The action buttons on the Jeopardy dashboard have been aligned with the saved search field.
Change the styling of the embedded buttons
On many of the screens, there were buttons that were not easily identifiable as they appeared to look like they were titles. We have reviewed the areas across each module and have restyled the buttons so that these are more prominent as buttons
Before styling
After styling
Ability to Search on Tree type structures
To make searching through tree type structures, we have introduced a search facility so that the user can type in characters in the search field and the system will filter to the nearest items, making it much easier for users to find tree structure items
Home Page Ribbon Icon changes
The Home page ribbon icons and the Global search dropdown lists have been updated.
Home Page ribbon icons now only show: notifications, Page Help, Contact Support, show favourites and Log out
The Global search dropdown will only show the modules subscribed by the client
Programme Module – Create Project Icon Relabelling
We have changed the icon label to ‘Create Multiple Projects to Program and this now appears in the new more options dropdown icon’
Update Occurrence Widget UI
Reviewed and proportionately aligned the Year and Month fields
Header Bar Styling on Widgets
Across the system, we have reviewed the Header bars of widgets to make them look more prominent to show that they are headers and that functions within them can be easily identifiable. From the examples below, you can see that we have also changed the header colour to further define them.