User Interface to allow bulk changes to Maintenance Plans:
- Bulk change suppliers on Plans
Using the existing shelf functionality on PPM plans, the user can bulk select plans, add them to the shelf. Using the bulk actions, they can then select ‘Change the supplier’
The user will then be prompted with a pop up to search for the new supplier
Upon saving the suppliers on the selected plans will update and change.
If the user bulk selects plans that don’t have the same trade an error message will alert the user that they cannot action these plans for that reason.
- Bulk change due dates on Occurrences
A new UI has been developed in order to allow users to bulk change due dates on PPM occurrences. This new menu can be found within the Maintenance > Scheduling option
The user can search for the PPM occurrences via filters such as: Maintenance template, Supplier, Property or by from and to dates.
Once the user has searched for the occurrences they want to change, they then need to select them, add In the new due date and then select ‘Update selected Rows’
The due dates will then change in the ‘New due date’ column
To save this the user then needs to select Save, upon doing so they will be prompted to confirm that they are sure the number of selected rows due date will be changed.
After confirming the due date column is updated. The due date update is also reflected on the PPM plan against the occurrence on the scheduler.
- Bulk move Plans from one template to another
Using the existing shelf functionality on PPM plans, the user can bulk select plans, add them to the shelf. Using the bulk actions, they can then select ‘Change template’.
The user will then be prompted with a pop up to search for the template
After selecting confirm the page refreshes and the user is shown a green success banner.
Note: The asset categories and supplier trade need to be the same otherwise the user will be given a validation failed message
Occurrence Alignment Planner
There is the introduction for the ability for users to be able to align multiple occurrences on user specified Due Dates. This is so that the FM maintenance team can minimise resources having to make multiple visits to one site. The Planner will give the user an indication of what they will be allowed to align, as the planner will indicate the next occurrence closest to the date they are aligning to.
There is a new menu item that can be assigned to a user profile, which will be seen under the Scheduling menu option within the Maintenance option.
Upon accessing the Alignment Planner option, the user will see the following screen. The user will be able to filter the view with a combination by Trade, Supplier, Property, Asset Group (If used) and they will also have the option to select an Asset Category to further filter down the data returned before selecting search.
The user then has the ability to select the date range they want the data to span across, and then an ‘Alignment’ Date picker field to denote the date they want the occurrences to align to.
Once the data has been filtered to the user’s requirement, the search will present the data for the user to make the decision on what occurrence they want to align to. Below, we are showing data filtered to a Property
Note: Hovering over the occurrences will give the user the occurrence ref
From here, the user will select the date they want to align to by selecting the Alignment Date field.
Note: If the date selected is not shown in the view, the system will insert the date selected by the user and this date will be seen in the data view. The view will also show the occurrences
that can be aligned as shown below where the system has highlighted in Yellow
The user will select the occurrences they want to align. Note, they are only allowed one occurrence from each row that can be selected. If they select more than one, then the first selected will be superseded by the second selection and the first will go back to being highlighted as Yellow. Below shows that two occurrences have been selected and they are denoted by the Red highlight of the occurrences. The user will then, once they have made their selections, click on the ‘Perform Alignment’ button
Once the ‘Perform Alignment’ button is selected, the user is presented with a confirmation message of the action they have just conducted. For the alignment to take place, the user will confirm they are happy for the alignment to take place
Upon confirming, the Occurrences can be seen to have been aligned to the chosen date
Note: If an occurrence supersedes another when aligning, the superseded occurrence will be removed from the planner as well as on the occurrence scheduler.
Ability to action Occurrences from the Occurrence search screen
This development now allows users that have the permissions to action Occurrence changes from the PPM Occurrence search screen, rather than having to go to the main plans’ schedules of the individual occurrences that need maintaining
User will access the PPM occurrences search screen via Maintenance > Planned > Search > PPM Occurrences. They will now find that the Occurrence ID is now a hyperlink
The user, if they have permissions to action Occurrences, then they would select the relevant Occurrence they want to update/action, and a new pop-up window will now be seen. From here, they will be able to action any of the icons, such as add comments, raise a remedial, print a docket, approve/Reject if documents require verification and to change the due date as they would be able to from the relevant Plan schedule screen. Once actions made, they would select ‘Close’ and then go onto the next occurrence to update
FAL additions to control New functions
So that the client can control which users will be able to manage the bulk change function, the following FAL settings have been introduced.
- Bulk Change templates – This function allows changes to the plans that need to be moved from one Template to another via the dropdown list on the shelf function of Search Plans
FAL Menu - Maintenance > Maintenance Plan > Bulk Change Templates
- Bulk Change Supplier – This function allows suppliers assigned to plans to be bulk changed to other suppliers via the dropdown list on the shelf function of Search Plans
FAL Menu – Maintenance > Maintenance Plans > Shelf > Bulk Supplier Change
- Bulk Change Due Dates – This function allows the ability to bulk change Due Dates on Occurrences. This will add a New menu item under Maintenance > Planned > Scheduling > PPM Occurrence Due Date Changes
FAL Menu – Maintenance > Maintenance Plans > PPM Occurrence Bulk Due Date Changes
- Occurrence Alignments Planner
There is an introduction of the ability to Aligning Occurrence to be completed on the same due date to minimise multiple visits. This is a new Menu addition under the scheduling menu and is FAL controlled
FAL Setting – Maintenance > Maintenance Plan > OccurrenceAlignmentPlanner