Bulk change suppliers on Plans
Using the existing shelf functionality on PPM plans, the user can bulk select plans, add them to the shelf. Using the bulk actions, they can then select ‘Change the supplier’
The user will then be prompted with a pop-up to search for the new supplier
Upon saving the suppliers on the selected plans will update and change.
If the user bulk selects plans that don’t have the same trade an error message will alert the user that they cannot action these plans for that reason.
Bulk change due dates on Occurrences
A new UI has been developed in order to allow users to bulk change due dates on PPM occurrences. This new menu can be found within the Maintenance > Scheduling option
The user can search for the PPM occurrences via filters such as Maintenance template, Supplier, Property or by from and to dates.
Once the user has searched for the occurrences they want to change, they then need to select them, add In the new due date, and then select ‘Update selected Rows’
The due dates will then change in the ‘New due date’ column
To save this the user then needs to select Save, upon doing so they will be prompted to confirm that they are sure the number of selected rows due date will be changed.
After confirming the due date column is updated. The due date update is also reflected on the PPM plan against the occurrence on the scheduler.
Bulk move Plans from one template to another
Using the existing shelf functionality on PPM plans, the user can bulk select plans, and add them to the shelf. Using the bulk actions, they can then select ‘Change template’.
The user will then be prompted with a pop-up to search for the template
After selecting confirm the page refreshes and the user is shown a green success banner.
Note: The asset categories and supplier trade need to be the same otherwise the user will be given a validation failed message
All three of these bulk changes are FAL controlled:
FAL Menu - Maintenance > Maintenance Plan > Bulk Change Templates
Bulk Change Supplier –
FAL Menu – Maintenance > Maintenance Plans > Shelf > Bulk Supplier Change
Bulk Change Due Dates –
FAL Menu – Maintenance > Maintenance Plans > PPM Occurrence Bulk Due Date Changes