Ability to bulk add events to a project outside of a timeline using the shelf facility
A new option is available in the list of Project Shelf actions (Figure 1) to bulk add events to the selected shelved projects. This action can be FAL controlled so only certain users can use it. See example below.
Figure 1 The New Add Event Project Shelf Action
As an example. Figure 2 below shows Project One’s timeline before the add event operation.
Figure 2 Project One before the Add Event
Once Add Event is selected a dialog window (Figure 3) is opened to enter the required details
Figure 3 The add event dialog box
When save is clicked a confirmation window (Figure 4), lists what the operation will do, so you can cancel if you’ve made a mistake.
Figure 4 Confirm the add event operation
When Save is clicked another dialog (Figure 5) displays the results of the operation. Any errors will be highlighted in red and will have an error message suggesting why the operation failed for that project.
Figure 5 Add operation results
Figure 6 shows Project One after the Add Event operation has been completed.
Figure 6 Project One after the add event operation
The add operation will ignore all shelved projects that don’t belong to the selected programme, unless No Programme is selected then only project’s with no programme will be included. The results will display a red error message, and the relevant error if:
- The project doesn’t have the predecessor event
- The predecessor Actual Date has been completed
- That any future dates after the predecessor have had their Actual Date Completed. Lastly, for projects that have been set as milestone projects the duration entered in the New Event Details dialog will be ignored.
Ability to bulk delete events from a set of projects using the shelf
A new option is available in the list of Project Shelf actions (Figure 1) to allow you to delete events from the selected shelved projects. This action can be FAL controlled so only certain users can use it.
Figure 1 New Delete Events Project Shelf option
When the Delete Events option is selected a dialog window will open (Figure 2) allowing you to select which event(s) you’d like to delete.
The available events listed are all the events that are on the selected projects combined. You can select as many events as you like to delete.
Figure 2 Select Events to delete window
When you click the save button a confirmation window will appear (Figure 33)
Figure 3 Delete Events confirmation
When you click the Delete Events buttons a final window (Figure 4) will open showing you the deletion results for you to review.
Figure 4 Event delete results window
6187 Bulk Add Events from a Specified Date
This enhancement provides the user with the ability to add multiple template events to an existing project from a specific, user-defined date. When the user loads a template to an existing project then will now have the option of selecting a date from which the template will be applied.
If the user selects the ‘Load Template from Date’ checkbox then the date will automatically default to the current date. The user then has the option of selecting another date if needed. If
the above checkbox is selected, then the system will load the template based on the date selected by the user.
If the above checkbox is not selected, then the system will load the template based on the event marked as the ‘Start Event’; this is existing system behaviour. Any events without actual dates will be cleared, as per existing system behaviour.
6153 Contact record updated to reflect any changes in organisation name
When an organisation name is changed, the Name field for Contacts will automatically change to the new name for those who are listed for that organisation.
5320 Reduction of subscription notifications
Notification emails will no longer be sent to those who have subscribed to document libraries when the following occur:
• Document is archived.
• Document is checked out.
• Document check-in lock removed.
• Notification not sent to owner of a document if another user checks out that document. • Notification not sent to user who checked out the document if the check in lock is removed.
5403 Automatic project naming
A new configuration setting has been added to enable projects to be named automatically.
The field names that can be used are:
• Priority
• Programme (the programme name will be used)
• ProgrammeRef
• Property (the property name will be used)
• Type
• StartDate
When the configuration is set, a placeholder will appear in the Project name field when creating a new project.
To remove the automatic project naming, clear the entry from the configuration field:
The Concatenation Date field is the date from which the naming rule applies.
8939 VAR task type fields added to Task Search
The following fields have been added to the grid on the Task Search page, so users can add them to the display when required:
• VAR Type name
• VAR Priority
• VAR RAG status
• VAR cost
Selecting the columns will add them to the search results grid.
4339 In Project Notes the Contact name column is now a link to a contact record
Selecting the name in the Last Updated By column will transfer the user to the contacts record.
4655 Search UI improvements
Changes made to maximise the visible screen space available to display the result of the user’s search. This applies to all ‘Search’ pages
• Custom Filters panel is defaulted to collapsed
• Left hand panel is defaulted to collapsed
• Group by function name can no longer be more than one line
• Mechanism that expands the left panel is more prominent
5317 Managing document naming
Document naming/renaming is now standardised for three very similar user interactions on the DMS;
• Document upload
• Document Replacement
• Document Check-in
5664 Tabular UDF row grouping
Removed the UDF separator and change new entry added icon
5703 Audit timestamp
Changed the audit timestamp to display according to local time zone
5586 Importing/Exporting lifecycle data
Excluded below fields from import and export of assets and properties to reduce inconsistent data between Novus and Veles;
• ModelScenarioId
• ModelScenarioName
• ModelReplacementDate
• AdjustedReplacementDate
• IsUsedByLiveModelScenario
5552 Get financial years with range from configuration
From and to dropdowns for financial year will now be limited to use years that are set in configuration
5612 Hyperlinks to records on audit tab
When the Audit shows another record e.g. Project x was linked to this record, the record name is now a hyperlink to that record.
5633 Add validation to category create page for description and approver job role
Validation is added to these fields so that you can now no longer input a large amount of text
5680 Added redirection to DMS for notifications connected to documents DMS notifications links now redirect to the DMS instead of to the notifications page
5719 Adjust tree list width after Gantt PDF export
PDF export of Gantt timeline now adjusts the widths before export so that the layout of the PDF is not skewed
5770 Cancel editing asset specification
When editing asset specification, cancelling the action now takes you back to the view pages instead of the search page
5787 Audit changes to a document
Links added when a document is uploaded is now added into audit. Previously this was only added when managing links after the document was already on the system
5982 Disable add login button after click
The add login button on a contact record is now disabled after you click it to stop duplicate clicks
5715 Site admin actions on Contact audit tabs
Audit for contact records now includes the following items
• User role change
• Enable/disable user
• Login created for user
6434 Remove negative number validator for imports
Imported values are now allowed to be negative values. The validator checks to see if they are just numerical
5953 Cost validation
Added in input validation for trade allocation cost field
5755 Archived documents removed from basket
When items are archived using basket functions, they are now removed from the basket
5776 Snag report generation
Modified image size and placement and removed commented out code Fixed issue ‘when double generating pdf- first generation often produces invalid results’
5965 Extend add resources to projects timeout
You are now able to allocate a larger number of projects to users using the shelf, this was previously around 30/40 but now can handle 1000’s
5464 UDF dropdown changes
When a dropdown that is used in a UDF is renamed in site admin, these changes will now reflect on the records straight away instead of requiring a record update
6371 Timesheets and imports
• Changing auto generating new timesheets to one day earlier
• Changing of using DateTime.AddDays() method in expression to DbFunctions.AddDays() • Exclusion of obsolete timesheets
• Changing auto generating new timesheets to one day earlier
List of further Enhancements
- INV-5471 Change delete working pattern modal width.
- INV-5599 Moved Dynamic Filters core functionality to a separate library.
INV-5613 New deployment configurations.
- Added branch deploy configuration
- Added Audit API URL parameter
- INV-5745 Configurable timeout for JWT token when authenticating Sisense users. INV-5758 Prevent marking grouping row in grid as obsolete record in CSS styles. INV-5845 Model scenario update name on assets.
- INV-5849 Clear operations right after sending them to avoid duplications
INV-5905 Classes of events published by Veles moved to Veles repository.
- Incremented Genesis.Events version
- •Added reference to Veles.Events
- INV-5908 Changed HDA Service bus to use Publish. HDA will use tenant name from header now. INV-5955 Include query string when redirecting to login.
- INV-5957 - Convert arrow functions to normal functions, move hacks invoke to app.js and removal from Navigation.js
- INV-5964: Used active extension instead of where.
INV-6271 Change rules of adding events from template
- Adding template will have additional parameter depending on events actual fields
- INV-6272 Credential stored within JavaScript. Hidden sensitive Sisense configuration values.
- INV-6357 Deleted fields report from code migrations
INV-6382 Improve Basic UI Tests performance.
- Reimplementation of Retry as NUnit is not fit.
- Added retry per test and not per all tests, removed fail on error to perform all tests at once with retry (3)
Bug Fixes
8952 Prevent uploading 0KB files
This fixes a bug which allowed users to upload file 0KB in size.
The fix ignores any 0KB files that are selected via the Upload Document->Upload Documents buttons and displays an alert informing the user (Figure 7)
Figure 7 Alert showing that 0KB document was ignored by upload
8936 Mandatory Binding (link) on Events – Evidence file upload
Lists and allows the selection of a mandatory bindings (links) when uploading an evidence document (Figure 8). Did not allow this previously which resulted in an error message.
Figure 8 Evidence document upload show Property as a mandatory binding
Figure 3 Evidence document upload with the binding selected
Note: you can now only upload to one document pool at a time and there Add button will remain disabled until: one pool is selected, some documents have been upload/selected from DMS and the mandatory binding has been selected (if required).
6148 Publisher is overwritten if document is moved or restored
This fix prevents the publisher from being overwritten by the user moving or restoring the document.
Project Related Resources widget security
This fix prevents the Project Related Resources widget from listing resources that the current user was not allowed to see. i.e. when they clicked the resource an un-authorised access error was displayed, since the user was not allowed to view the record in question.
5489 Cannot upload documents to PPM occurrence after running Scheduled Job Fix that allows an option to upload document if a PPM status is changed and a scheduled task is run.
5681 Timeline Template – dependant dates moving incorrectly
Fix that pushes a dependant event out correctly when an ‘exclude weekend’ timeline is used.
5707 Can add projects to obsolete programme
Fix that prevents a user copy and pasting a URL of a obsolete project and then using this to add it to a programme.
5711 Cannot create working pattern
Fix that allows users to create and edit working patterns without getting a 500-error message.
5790 Saved changes of document properties not being audited Fix that shows any changes made to a document in the audit table.
5734 Scheduler widget doesn't show any data
Fix that now makes data visible on the scheduler widget
5741 Same recipient can be sent multiple times when sending an email Fix that prevents the same recipient being selected multiple times when sending an email for the DMS
5749 Favourite records context options should not have scrollbar Fix to remove scrollbar from ‘Options’ button on favourite records
5797 If Library is used by system it shouldn't be possible to remove it Fix that does not allow users to remove a Library from the DMS if it is used elsewhere in the system
5964 Resolved issue with obsoleted contacts being visible on search Fix that removes obsoleted contacts from appearing in the dropdown menu when allocating a resource to a project
6487 Set password button. This is visible to Sysadmin users but not client admin.
Fix that allows the ‘Set Password’ button to be FAL controlled so that client admins have the option to use this button
6655 Task import errors
Fix that corrects prevents certain columns from importing correctly on the Excel (import) format
5683 Cannot remove managed links from document
Links were unable to be removed from documents and now they are
List of further bug fixes
- INV-5654 Blank UDF Dropdowns show nothing
- Change None to NULL for empty values
- INV-5716 Fix horizontal scrollbar on questionnaire create for prequal criterion
- INV-5903 Client error message leaking between sites
- Cache tenant specific resource texts
- INV-5714 Sync of audits after restarting AuditMachine
- Removed async start from DataChanges Service Bus initialization code
- INV-5766 Admin audit is being saved as a string and a user is not able to see what has changed. These saves do not contain values of the change.
Serialization of email digest enum to string.
- Added ignoring some unwanted properties
- Fixed problems with data comparison
- Changes to mappings and code structure.
- Added mechanism for mapping audit entry rows to data change value change view models, added access principle audit entry mapping.
- Moved auditing AP saves to event handler and it's fired from SecurityService. • Added diff for AP save – Draft
- INV-5659 fixes for audit display, date range added and fixed Record fields which should not be displayed
- INV-5728 - fixed bug where 'undefined' was showing up in bulk removal of timeline event resources instead of job roles
- INV-5750 Fixed for fields with missing validation on import
INV-5756 Duplicate info - contact create
- Audit machine service for generics does not audit AuditEntry rows now
- Fixed problem with auditing UDF admin panel changes
- CR fixes
- Used new approach to map UDF changes to datachangesValueChangesVM • company allocations are not generic in audit and removed duplicate login in UDF audit
- INV-5772 MigrationTool does not work (throws an exception)
- Fixed references of migration tool
- INV-5778 - Fix toast title after successful bulk operation
- INV-5788 Comment audit does not have a label
- Add label to audit entry which describes comment action
- INV-5789 Document Status audit label goes across 2 lines
- Correct text wrapping on audit label column
- INV-5833 Some fields are not being audited on create/update
- Fixed displaying address fields
- INV-5834 Logs show that communication to sisense sometimes times out.
- Resolved Sisense timeout
INV-5835 Document Properties - Status is not fully audited
- Added handling for null value
- Corrected original status in Document Details changed event raise
INV-5836 The Snag Type column keeps changing depending on a selected snag type. Column should be fixed and not changing the length.
- Fixed width of columns
- Show kendo dropdowns etc. when widget in full screen
- Fo not hide save/cancel panel under full screen widget
- Dropdown inline-block to respect width for dropdown content
- Status column fixed width, autocompletes with 100%
- Left-align column titles
- INV-5838 "None -> None" audit issue
- System is now comparing UDF audit values when creating entries
- INV-5916 Fixed timeout when saving assets live model scenario data
- INV-5917 Hiding unused fields on DMS audit
- INV-5918 Timeout when moving UDF dropdowns to different table
- INV-5932 Import of multiple assets doesn't work correctly
- Import progress save exception
- INV-5933 Pagination is not updated after filtering
- Fixed pagination on audit tab
- INV-6049 Cannot edit trade allocation
- INV-5961 Timesheet Logged minutes audit display
- INV-5966_set-security-on-project-trade-allocation-tab-doesnt-work
- INV-5977 Timesheet approvers - system set-up and notification
- Added notifications when user is removed from timesheet approver
- INV-5978 Ids are not resolved to names on audit
- INV-5986 User without FAL can see manually archived document in basket
- INV-5992 User error message when allocating himself to all Acquisition projects through the shelf Prevented exception from being thrown when assigning trade allocation
- INV-5995-questionnaire-fixes
- INV-6008 Cannot assign trade allocations from project shelf
- INV-6051 Removing links is not audited
INV-6055 CreateMultipleProjects is not audited
- Added address POS save create Id assignment to Data Operations
- Added save in the middle of create multiple project as add record links records need recordID
- INV-6062 Dropdowns are not selectable on Edit Widget
- Resolved issue with dropdown on linked widget. It was closed immediately after opening, so it was impossible to select any option.
- INV-6076 Can't create Programme or Lease
- Fixed audit operation which was preventing record creation
- INV-6087 Audit filter doesn't cut out other fields
INV-6096 Deleting Property Location is not audited
- CR fixes and displaying audit entry fixes (not showing RecordID and Parent Id) • Added Generic Deleted Audit Entry
INV-6112 Export/Import UDF Select with Record Link
- Do not find record link if UDF is normal dropdown
- CR Fixes
- Fix UDF Record Link imports
- Export record link UDFs as recordID
INV-6116 Event completion is not audited correctly
- Fixed view for uncompleted event audit
- Fixed audit formatting for percent and decimal values
- INV-6163 Quantity and Location audit values are incorrect
- INV-6165 Error while saving UDF causes no audit recorded.
- first try to fix record link UDF remove problem
- INV-6037 Imports terminating
- Disabled notifications for record links with related record removed
- INV-6167 Problem with non-generic links on Audit
- Changed small condition and record link audit for created should work now.
- INV-6193 FAL not saving
- Moved FAL cache invalidation after saving changes to database
- INV-6332 Fixed null reference in create template from project timeline
INV-6348 Dropdown showing in different order in search
- Sorting dropdown in filter rule
- Removal of unnecessary 'obsoleteIDs' and changing names in predicates to more specific • Sorting dropdown in filter rule
- INV-6355 Security Issue
- Fixed issue when AP allows to show classification not in use
- INV-6365 All imports relating to Property not working
- Fix importing UDF dropdown values
- INV-6443 Duplicate timesheets
- Change of 'Timesheets:AutoCreate:BatchSize' parameter value to eliminate creating timesheet duplicates.
INV-5415 Column missing when creating linked records widgets with Assets • Check for nulls during kendo overwrite
- Fixed column grouping and filtering in linked records widget
- Removed unused code
- Fixed kendo column sorting
- Removed commented attributes
- Added missing Asset Columns to Linked Records Widget
- INV-6451 Subscription notification link goes to wrong place
- System now uses record type context in notifications
INV-6508 Issue with planned dates
- Repair of cloned events sorting in timeline template loading process on project • Updating the order of cloned root events taking into account the order from the template • Addition of empty lines
- INV-6511 Assigned to pulling through the related contact rather than the assigned to value from the record
- Show assigned to field on task search page
- INV-6524 Extract to Excel
- Fix exporting large number of records with UDFs to non-import Excel
- INV-6531 Defect on live when sending an email
- Fix showing document name in send by email modal after replacing document
- INV-6552 Failed to submit through SHEQ app
- Added missing interface to class RequestScopedLogin
- INV-6584 Classifications not been added when using the "Add projects to programme" button
- INV-6395 Unable to import a task record with Negative VAR Number
- Allow VARCost value be negative in import
- INV-6434 Importing negative Values
- Import UDF drop down values now case insensitive
- INV-6381 UDFs not showing on record view page
- INV-5860 Fix showing edit permission when viewing document properties
- INV-6655 Fix importing tasks with Excel (Import) file format
- INV-5659 Fixes for audit display, date range added and fixed Record fields which should not be displayed
- INV-5988 Fixed financial year display name to match logic from initial migration INV-6088 Fixed task view
- INV-6111 - Fix timeline operations modals for IE11 by replacing arrow function