Master Events
When adding events to timeline templates or project timelines, the user will now only be able to select from a predetermined Master Events dropdown list.
As Master Events are now dropdown items, these can be configured within the Site Admin section of iSite.
- Enter the Site Admin Module of the site
- Select ‘Content’ and then ‘Dropdowns’
- In the Select Record Type tab, type and select Event as the record type. Click Next.
- Next, in Select or Create, select Master Events from the Select Existing dropdown list. Click Next.
- The list of Master Events are now displayed.
Add or remove items from this list in the same way as other dropdown items.
Adding an Event within a Timeline Template
There are two ways to add an event to a Timeline Template.
- The Add Event button on the timeline footer will open the same pop-up window as shown in the Projects section above.
- The Insert Event button on the timeline toolbar will open a different pop-up window:
In the pop-up window, the Title field will now only enable users to select from the list of Master Events.
Click Save to add the event to the timeline.
Adding an Event within a Project
When viewing the timeline within a project, the Add Event button will now open a pop-up window where the event can be selected.
As you start typing in the – Please select event --- box, the list of available events will be displayed. Click Add to add the event to the timeline.
Add UDF columns to filters
UDF fields are now included in filters if the User has permission to view classifications set within their Access Principles.
The UDFs will be displayed on the dropdown list in the format ‘UDF Field < UDF Group’
Document Audit Tab
New Audit tab in Document Properties windows. This will show any changes made to the document, this was previously only available to view in the library audit.
News Widget
A new widget has been created to enable organisation share news items that may be of interest to their users of iSite.
The News Widget is FAL controlled – there is an option to make the widget visible, plus another option to give certain users access to add or amend news items.
View news widget with this FAL option.
Dashboard FAL options, showing entry for Can Add or Update News.
Adding a News Item
The Add News Item within the News Widget will open a pop-up window that enables users to add a new item:
To add a news item, fill in the fields within the pop-up window:
- Image – An image can be uploaded and associated with the news item. If a news item requires the same image, it must be uploaded again as there is no functionality to select existing images either within the DMS or previously uploaded for news items.
Only images can be uploaded, and a warning will be displayed if a different file type is attempted. The news item will save if the Save button is selected, though the file will not be uploaded.
- Headline – Add a headline text.
- Text – This is the main body of the news item.
- Display until date – News item can be displayed until a set date, e.g. if there is a promotion for the current month, setting the Display until date to the end of month will hide this news item after that date.
- Pin this news item – News items that are pinned will be displayed first within the widget. They are denoted within the widget as having a pin icon next to the title.
- Link – A link can be included to the news item, which will add a Read more link to the news item itself, and when the user selects this link, they will be taken to the appropriate page.
Displaying News Items
The News Widget will show items that are pinned first, followed by other news items, and they are always shown in the order newest to oldest.
The widget itself is a set size, so when more news items are added, a scroll bar will appear to show to the user that more news items are available.
If the news item has a link, it will be shown with by Read more text added.
Only users with the FAL option set to Can Add or Update News can see the Edit link within the news item, which enables them to make changes the news item if they need to.
Scrollbar visible, and user does not have access to add or update news, so options are hidden.
Added edit icon and edit functionality to Dashboard Table Widgets
FAL security: This uses the same security as the existing Linked Record Widgets.
Associated record links included in system notifications emails and Document related notifications have links to projects
All system notifications have been updated to have a link to the associated record.
In the two examples below, the first please click here to view link will open the Task Record in question, the second will open the document in the DMS.
Secondly, document related notifications (above) now list any linked projects.
When clicked the project links open the project in the system with the document tab showing the document.
Bug Fixes
JavaScript error when selecting Trade Allocation tab within Tasks
Checks for null before getting VAR budget details for Trade Allocations.
Error with automatic naming of projects with an "&" in the name
Any project that has an “&” in the title now displays correctly.
Files being uploaded with 0KB file size
If a 0KB document is uploaded into the system, then an error message will be displayed
A system notification will also be sent to inform the user that this has happened e.g. if they missed the error message/the file was emailed in
Project shelf timing out when adding a resource to all projects
Have updated the following bulk project actions: Company/Contact Allocation, Add Resource and Project Manager to send their updates to the server in batches of 50 projects rather than sending all projects in one go.
Fix Cost Validation
Fixed bug where saving a Trade Allocation without entering a cost did not produce an error. Now an error message will be displayed, forcing the user to enter a cost value.