Populate Supplier and Engineer fields on work order for internal preferred supplier
Ability to add materials to work order (Main /Mobile)
Lease Enhancement – Make VAT Code fields dropdown menus
Extended Lease expiry date to allow setting to 999 years
Project Subscriptions – Alerts when users do not have access
Scheduled import list re-run option
Enhanced Multi-select type Search / Widget
Add additional Filter Types on Dates within Advanced Search
Ability to assign a UDF to an existing widget on a record
Ability for a UDF field to calculate as a Ratio
How to set up a UDF field that calculates a Ratio
One to many joins on search screens
Align Template creation and plan creation for checkpoint frequency
Update Search fields to accommodate fields that are drop down lists
Creating Lease type Summary Pages
Serviced Office summary page layout
Admin JSON configuration change
Mobile – Status filter on Summary screen
Ability to Print multiple Property Summary Pages
Preferred Supplier set up Templates Functionality
Creating Preferred Supplier Templates
Editing Preferred Supplier after setting up
Setting Preferred Supplier Template to Live
What If Types are changed on Property/Project record
Google Maps Utilisation – All Properties Map Widget
Ability to add a Negative Value in the Capital Value field on Property
Work Order Check Box FAL controlled
Asset Move Workflow Task Admin screen columns re-ordered
Asset move request approval work flow stages
Show Reactive work orders on a scheduler calendar
New menu added to Maintenance menu
Maintenance Scheduler Calendar View
Flagging Property, Location and Assets that are Landlord controlled
How Landlords are flagged on Work Orders
DMS – Folder Interaction and Layout
Linked record fields – Additional Filter selections
Populate Supplier and Engineer fields on work order for internal preferred supplier
When setting up an Internal preferred supplier on a property (Service Request) and project (Snags), the Organisation name is now populating as is the supplier and engineer fields on the work order for both Internal and External Organisation settings
Ability to add materials to work order (Main /Mobile)
Users are now able to add materials to work orders on both Main and mobile access
Main Site
Users will add materials to work orders via the Materials widget, by selecting the Add Material button
The user is presented with the following add material screen. They would populate the relevant fields and then save the record. The GRN (Goods Received Note) field refers to a delivery of the item and is used by finance to validate against invoices that goods have been received. The PO number is the Purchase order number if this material was purchased via a request, this also is used to show cost against the work order so that these can be charged /invoiced accordingly
Adding Materials on Mobile
Users are able to add materials when using a mobile device. When they are within a work order, they have an option to add materials as shown below. They would populate the relevant fields and then Save the record. They will have an opportunity to edit or delete if they have made errors once saved, otherwise they would just go back to the work order where they will see the material added. This will then also be seen on the work order on the main screen
Lease Enhancement – Make VAT Code fields dropdown menus
The following fields within Lease Commercial Details section have been revamped from being free text fields to now being a drop down list with determined values. This change allows users to select from a list which can be managed through dropdown management in admin.
- Rent VAT Code
- Service Charge VAT Code
List of values can be managed via the Dropdown admin functionality:
Extended Lease expiry date to allow setting to 999 years
Users are now able to set Lease expiry dates up to 999 years:
Lease Transaction Search
Layout reviews of the search filter field placements and retention of set search filters on the 3 x Lease Transaction screens and Tab
Lease Transaction Search screen (NEW)
Lease Transactions Administration screen (NEW)
Lease Transactions Administration – Failed Posting Tab
Lease Transactions Approvals screen (NEW)
Project Subscriptions – Alerts when users do not have access
User will now be alerted if a contact does not have access to a folder they are being subscribed to on a Project.
At the point of saving the request, the user will see an alert similar to the one shown below. They will have to manage and correct the issue. This will also be the case if the contact belongs to a mailing group, if the mailing group is subscribed. Both situations will need to be corrected before the system will allow the update to be saved
Subscribing to a Project
Alert message if contact does not have access to folder
If all correct, the following message will be presented
Scheduled import list re-run option
A user with the correct permissions, now has the ability to re-run failed imports
- Run Now adds new entry to schedule import to run 5 minutes from when user clicked it. They cannot add another of the same import to run 30 minutes from Run Now.
- The Cancel button cancels the one job, unless it is the repeated job in which case all future jobs will also be cancelled.
Within the Imports > upload > Scheduled Import List.
If any imports are listed in this section, then the user will now see a ‘Run Now’ button. From this they will be able to Re-Run the scheduled import
Run Now presents the user with the following message
Upon confirming, the user will see another line entered in the scheduled list to show that they have requested to Re-run a scheduled import. Below you can see that I have Re-run the weekly schedule and this is scheduled to run within the next 5 mins
Enhanced Multi-select type Search / Widget
When creating widgets on the home page, development has been made to allow users to be able link Dynamic record types so that fields form two types of records can be included within the widget.
This is achieved by having an optional source field, whereby the user is able to utilise a second record type source, which will then allow them to select the fields and build the widget headings from those two sources. An example is building a widget that requires Property and Lease fields
New layout for Create Widget
Create widget screen
As an example, if we were to select Property as the main source and Lease as the optional source, the user will see the following
In the available columns, the user will see the following that will be available for them to select the headings from. The headings will be denoted in brackets besides the heading as to which record it belongs to
Once the widget is created, the user has the ability to export the data as an export option has been included as part of the widget creation
Add additional Filter Types on Dates within Advanced Search
The advanced search filters across the system now has two new Todays Date filter options where dates are concerned, so that users can search for dates Greater than Today and Less than Today.
New todays date filters introduced within advanced search functions
- Greater Than TODAY
- Less Than TODAY
Ability to assign a UDF to an existing widget on a record
Users can now assign a new UDF to any existing widget on a record. Users with permissions to set up UDFs will now see a new dropdown option that will allow them to select the widget they want the UDF to attach to.
Below example shows a UDF being assigned to a Lease record and within the General Details widget. Users can do this by selecting a widget from the “Display On:” dropdown found on the specific UDF Group tab.
Users front End view of assigned UDF to General widget
Ability for a UDF field to calculate as a Ratio
Ability for users to add UDF fields that can calculate a formula and display as a Ratio. This way users can display a relationship between two field values in ratio format. For example, a Headcount (6) to Desk (12) relationship can be displayed as “Headcount Ratio: 1:2”.
How to set up a UDF field that calculates a Ratio
User is required to set up the fields that will contain the values to be calculated, then a field that will present the ratio value is required to be set up. The ratio option will be available when formula is selected
Once the field within the UDF has been created, then the user will be required to add the formula that will be used to calculate the ratio of the fields. In this example, we are asking the ratio field to calculate between Field 1 and Field 2. So the formula is inserted into the formula field of the ratio entry. i.e. [Filed One]:[Field Two], making sure that we insert the colon sign ( : ) in between the two fields.
One to many joins on search screens
Where search screens have multiple links to a record, such as Service requests with multiple work orders and Contacts with multiple roles, these all show up on the search screen as individual lines
This has now been consolidated, so that they show in a single cell with comma separation or a value
Service Requests
Align Template creation and plan creation for checkpoint frequency
Changes have been made so that when setting up checkpoints, if users create same frequency types (Monthly, 3 monthly, 6 monthly etc), they will be alerted that this action cannot be carried out as they will conflict.
Note: This however does not affect the lower Daily and Weekly frequencies
Example shows that we have tried to add two Month checkpoints. The system alert is presented:
Update Search fields to accommodate fields that are drop down lists
Users are now able select values from dropdown lists such as statuses and types etc. when using heading filters on columns. This means that any field represented in a column that is a Dropdown type field will be filterable by the available dropdown values.
Dynamic Filtering
The ability to set advanced filters to show dynamically for current users and user organisations. So now filter options for ‘Is me’ (is_me) and ‘My Org’ (my_org) are available and the system will automatically select the currently logged in user /user’s organisation to filter without the user having to specify.
Creating Lease type Summary Pages
The admin function to show different Lease Type summary pages have been adapted so that admin users can now configure Admin JSON files to replicate the relevant summary pages dependent on the Lease Type of the property such as for Head Lease and Serviced Offices.
This new function allows for a custom layout per different lease type. The summary pages would be triggered by the lease types, but note that if a property has a Head Lease then the summary page for the Head Lease will be shown and prioritised over any other Lease records linked to the Property record.
Serviced Office summary page layout
Admin JSON configuration change
Admin users now have the option to chose which lease type they want to configure for the summary pages
Mobile – Status filter on Summary screen
The summary screen filter on mobile now filters the correct statuses dependent on the Maintenance type selected. The filter is also independent to each field and is not reliant on having multiple fields populated in order to filter a selection. The reset button now resets any populated fields to NULL
Mobile Search Cache
When applying a filter to a work order search on the mobile app, and then clicking on the work order and return back to the home page, the filters applied now stay as they were requested
Ability to Print multiple Property Summary Pages
Users are now able to select and print multiple property record summary pages from the search screen, to allow them to build document packs to distribute to recipients
To print multiple summary pages, the user would select the properties they want to include from the Property search page, via the tick boxes on the left and then select the export icon on the bat at the top right of the Search widget.
The user will now see a new option has been added for the multiple printing function - PDF Summary. The printing function will then be presented in the download/print option, where the user can then print from their local printer.
Preferred Supplier set up Templates Functionality
A new Template function has been introduced so that users are able to create Preferred Supplier templates for property types to apply auto assignments for defined maintenance categories on properties. This function is security controlled to maintain control of set up.
FAL settings
The FAL settings include all the relevant options, which need to be set according to the user requirements
New menu Option
A new menu option has been introduced and will be seen if permission has been granted to access it. User will have the ability to Search and Create templates
Creating Preferred Supplier Templates
Create will present the user with the following screen. From this screen, the user will define the Template name, give it a reference number and then chose a record type from Project or Property. They type field will reflect on the Record type selected and will display options related to the types set up on those two records (E.G. Property Types – Office, Warehouse etc & Project Types – Refit, New Build etc). Finally, the user will define the supplier that would be assigned to when the categories are set up
Create Template View Screen
Once the Template record is saved, the user is presented with a view screen to show the General details and that the template is currently at a Non Live status. Whilst in this status, nothing is transferred to the affected Properties/Projects
The screen also details the records that are affected by the types selected. User will notice that all lines in the affected list are checked by default
The final widget is used to define the requirements to set the assigned Preferred Suppliers for the maintenance category types that will be auto assigned to the work orders when the selected combinations are selected when logging Service requests/Work orders against Properties and Snags from Projects
By selecting the +ADD button the user can set up the auto assign criteria. The following screen is presented for the user to complete
The user will from the fields on this screen, select the supplier that will be assigned to the work, whether to auto assign to an External Engineer or an Internal Engineer. They will also select ALL the related maintenance categories that the supplier provides services for from the Category button, then toggle if they want the work order is to be auto generated and finally the Priority that will be assigned to the work order
Editing Preferred Supplier after setting up
User are able to Edit/Delete lines once the preferred suppliers are set up. These actions can be carried out by selecting the Edit or Delete buttons next to the lines
Setting Preferred Supplier Template to Live
The user will require to set up all the suppliers that would service the type selected on the Template. Once the Preferred Categories have been set up, the user can then set the Template to Live from the More Action option, at which point these settings will be seen on the Property/Project Preferred Supplier widgets
Template is now in a Live status
Search screen now also shows the status
This template category setup will now be seen on the Property/Project of that type
What If Types are changed on Property/Project record
If the types are changed on a Property or Project record, then the system will automatically review the templates and move the changed record to the correct Type template if one exists
E.G. The template for Office type has 3 properties affected listed and the warehouse template has 2 properties affected listed
If Property reference PTCL2’s type is changed from Office type to a warehouse type, then the user will notice that PTCL2 has now appeared on the warehouse template and has been removed from the Office template
Google Maps Utilisation – All Properties Map Widget
The Property Search section now has a new feature which utilises Google Maps. If user selects a selection of properties and then select an icon in the top right toolbar of the Property Search widget to switch to Map view. This Map view will now show users a map of all their properties selected.
When interacting with a pin on the Map view, the user can now view a brief overview of the property selected.
If a user has a filter applied on the search, the Map results will correspond to this filter, allowing
users for a customisable Map view.
Ability to add a Negative Value in the Capital Value field on Property
Users are now able to add a negative value within the Capital Value filed on the property record
Asset Move enhancements
Finer enhancements to the Asset move functionality have been made to further improve the user experience
Work Order Check Box FAL controlled
This check box is permission controlled from the Task Module. Task > Create > Create Task From Asset > Set Work Order Required
Commencing Asset move process
The asset move process commences by the user selecting ‘Create Task for this Asset’ option within the More actions menu
When Task form is presented, the user selects the Asset Type of ‘Asset Movement’
The Task form screen then changes to show Asset move related fields. The user can define the Move Change Type and Move Reason. The details part of the screen will depend on the Move Change Type as Sale and Dispose will not require a new location update, whereas Transfer and Storage will
A new Move Reason dropdown field has been added so users are able to report on the reason for requesting a move. The dropdown move reason values are shown below
The Task Move due date now defaults to todays date
A checkbox is added to decide if a work order will be required at final approval stage when Task request is reviewed by asset manager after submission by creator.
Asset Move Workflow Task Admin screen columns re-ordered
The columns within the Asset Move Workflow Admin screen have been rearranged so that they flow in sequence
Columns rearranged in following sequence - Cost Type > Cost Threshold Operator > Cost Threshold
Example Task Move Admin set up for Task Move Types
Approval Group set up
The following screen is where the user sets up the contacts within all the approval groups via Manage Subscriptions menu (Permission driven for access)
Asset move request approval work flow stages
- Set up subscription groups Asset manager, Approval 1 & Approval 2 – Add the contacts that are involved in the approval process
- Set up within Task admin screen for Sale, Transfer, Dispose & Storage. This will detail at what values the approval process will be triggered and who and in which order the approvals will flow through
- Once set ups completed, the user is then able to Create Asset Move Tasks
- The creator will Submit the move task request
- Task move request will then be with assigned to the Asset manager to review and edit any further details. They would then approve the Task to move to the next stage of the approval if there is one to move to (As set up in the admin screen)
- Task is Assigned to Approval group 1, someone from that group can review the task but cannot edit as the fields will be locked. They will have the option to approve/reject
- If Rejected, they would require to select a reason and add comments. This Task then goes back to asset manager to review reject reason and comments. The Task is now unlocked and editable. Once reviewed, the asset manager then submits again to go back through the approval process
- The Task goes back to Approval group 1 to review. If they Approve
- The Task now goes to Approval group 2. They review (but cannot edit). They can Approve/Reject
- If Approval group 2 Reject, this now goes back to Asset manager to review/edit. They then submit again
- Task now goes through the workflow process back to Approval group 1 and then onto Approval group 2
- If Approval Group 2 approves and a work order was defined as required on the Task form, then the approver will get a creating Work Order message
- Work Order is then created
- Asset manager /helpdesk is then required to review the work order to assign to an engineer/supplier to do the work
- When work order status is at Work Done, the Task is set to complete and the asset details are updated (Link to task at bottom of the WO)
- If no work order was required, then final approval completes the task
Reject process during an approval
Final approval with WO required
Create Work Order message seen by user at final approval stage
User gets a message at the top of the Task. They can get to the work order by clicking on the link
Work Order generated
Asset mgr/Helpdesk to assign engineer / Supplier to carry out the work. When the WO is completed and the status is at work done. The asset details are updated and the Task is set to Complete
Show Reactive work orders on a scheduler calendar
Functionality has been added to the Maintenance module to allow users to view a scheduler calendar that will detail reactive work orders and the progress similar to the Planned Maintenance scheduler
FAL setting for New menu
The new Maintenance calendar menu will only appear if permissions are given to the Occurrence Calendar and that the generate work orders function is set to true in configuration. For clients that do not use the work order generate function for reactive works, then they will not see this menu option, but will have an equivalent calendar view within Planned maintenance menus
New menu added to Maintenance menu
Maintenance Scheduler Calendar View
Calendar View from new menu. User can filter between Reactive and Planned work order. Each work order displayed on the days they are due to be started will be associated with a colour code, which will relate to a status type of where the work has progressed to. The colour code can be seen by selecting the legend button, which will expand a section showing all the different status types and their associated colours. When Reactive type is selected, the user will see that the Trade and the Due/Schedule fields will disappear as they are not related to Reactive works. The user has the ability to filter down to specific requirements by using the supplier, engineer and Property fields to get a more granular result
Flagging Property, Location and Assets that are Landlord controlled
Property Locations
Users are now able to flag if any locations within a property are Landlord controlled
Users can now flag where assets are Landlord controlled. A checkbox and a field to populate the landlord have been introduced. If checkbox is ticked, then the user requires to add the landlord contact or the organisation as the Landlord field is dual purpose
How Landlords are flagged on Work Orders
Additional field has been added to the work order screen to show when a landlord is responsible for a selected asset.
This field will only be visible if a Landlord is flagged in any of the following combinations and also the Landlord Responsible checkbox will be ticked on the work order
Scenario 1 - Property (No Landlord) + Location (No Landlord) + asset (No Landlord) = Then landlord checkbox left blank on WO and no Landlord field is visible
Scenario 2 - Property (Landlord) + Location (No landlord) + Asset (No Landlord) = Landlord checkbox ticked on WO, no Landlord field visible
Scenario 3 - Property (No Landlord) + Location (Landlord) + Asset (No Landlord) = Landlord checkbox ticked on WO. No Landlord field visible
Scenario 4 - Property (No Landlord) + Location (No Landlord) + Asset (Landlord) = Landlord checkbox ticked on WO and Landlord field visible
DMS – Folder Interaction and Layout
The DMS module within iSite has had some UX/UI enhancements. The interactable are around a nested folder name on the right side view of the DMS has been increased to enhance user experience.
Additionally, the colour scheme of the folders on the right side of the DMS has been updated to match the DMS menu on the left to indicate between contents of folder.
Folder Definition
Opaque - no sub folders or document
Blue fill - documents inside library
Light blue - Sub folder contains document
As documents start to get uploaded, the folder colours will start to apply in the Library list and within the search area
Linked record fields – Additional Filter selections
The following create linked widget areas have had the ‘Is not equal’ filter option added for user selection.
Create widget > Asset > Asset Group
Asset > Condition
Asset > Created By
Asset > Replacement
Create Widget > Lease > Created By
Maintenance Plan > Asset Categories
Maintenance Template > Asset Categories
Toolbar Search Improvement
The Global search functionality at the top right corner of the iSite webpage has received an update to enhance user experience. The suggested results that come up now for an “All record types” search have a weighted value to them, so that certain records have higher order priority over others.
This means users will now see Property results first, followed by Lease, Contact, Maintenance Plans, Work Orders, Assets, etc.