Table of Contents
Cancelled Work Orders notifying assigned Engineer / Organisation / Supervisor
Add Priority value field to WO attachment
Affected Person should get a notification if different from Reported person
Updates to Child Asset functionality Add/Remove Child
Removing a Child asset from a Parent
Exporting/Importing child asset data
Lazy Loading functionality on Work Order Summary Screen
Print Barcode Option from Asset Record (Main Site)
Associated Asset Field on Tasks presents filtered list from Property/Location field combination
Summary Page Enhancements (Internal Admin Use)
Managing Roles for Contact Users
Contact Record changes reflected in Manage User function is System Admin
System Admin > Manage User changes reflected in Contact record
Bulk Assign Roles in Contact Record Basket Function
Contacts without an account in Bulk Assign
Mobile enhancement for managing PPMs
Checked actions list to be recorded on PPM WO
Remove work order evidence option on PPM WO
Ability to search via Status and Location Fields on Mobile Summary screen filter
Ability to manage Daily and Weekly PPM Occurrences generated
Ability to add an Engineer to Checkpoints when creating a Plan
PPM WO attachments amended for PPM type
Ability to send PPM WOs notifications when engineer assigned
How are engineers notified for auto populated engineers from plan
PPM WOs to send out notifications when assigned Weekly and Daily Frequencies
Bulk Changes - Paperwork requirements
Minimise unrequired checkpoint section on edit template
Amend text on actions on plans
New PPM Occurrence Search Filters
Obsolete PPM WOs upon PPM Plan deactivation
Deactivating Plans in Bulk using basket function
Ability to Add additional Engineers to a Work Order
Mobile WO View of additional engineers added
Create Service Request from Asset (Main Site)
Create a Service Request from an Asset
Viewing Service Request created by the user
DMS Folders Publisher not needed
DMS Setting security allow to update sub folders when setting parent
Document Library Subscriptions Users subscribed to a library they cannot access
Alert for Contact with no access to folder
Alert for subscribing contacts within a mailing group with no access
Imports to Projects/Events different types of costs from a spreadsheet
Ability to add, edit and delete expenditure types and categories
Display new lines in text stored in UDFs as <br/>
Additional Actions Under Action Menu in Property Record to Create Lease
Lease Administration - Failed Postings Tab
Add Headings to the 3 Tasks Home Page widgets
Development Areas
Cancelled Work Orders notifying assigned Engineer / Organisation / Supervisor
Notifications have been updated so that when a work order has been cancelled, as well as the reported person, the following will also be notified
Reported Person Exists
Supplier Email
Supervisor of the Organisation
The engineer assigned to the work
The format of the notification is shown below
Reported Person
Supplier / Supervisor / Engineer will get an email (Dependent on fields populated)
Add Priority value field to WO attachment
The attachment received by Engineers when they are assigned to a work order, will now have the Priority value shown at the top of the PDF attachment and within the content of the email
Remedial Create & New
When the user wants to Create additional Remedials on a newly created Remedial Work Order (REM000001-01), the user will notice that if they use the Create & New button, this now creates and pre-populates original details rather than creating a blank form. This also saves time so that the user does not have to keep going back to the source record and requires them to amend the fields related to the newly created Remedial form accordingly
Affected Person should get a notification if different from Reported person
The workflow process has now been updated so that if the Affected Person is different from the Reported Person, then they will also get a notification at the set points of the workflow process. As from the example screenshot below, you can see that a work order has been put on hold as materials are required, and the notification has gone to two email addresses.
Updates to Child Asset functionality Add/Remove Child
Functionality has been added to the Asset record in order for the user to be able to remove a child asset from its Parent. When this action is carried out, the quantity value is reduced by 1 on the Parent record
Add Child Asset widget
User is able to add a child asset via the Child Asset widget
Removing a Child asset from a Parent
When a child asset is added to a Parent, the widget will allow the user to now remove the child via the Remove option next to the line entry
Exporting/Importing child asset data
User is able to export the child asset data, to then amend the details and then to import back with the updated details via the export option. The user will only be able to import if they have the correct permissions to do so
Lazy Loading functionality on Work Order Summary Screen
There has been an enhancement to the summary screen on the mobile functionality, so that when a user logs onto the summary screen, it now has what we call Lazy loading. This functionality now loads the first 10 items and then allows the user to scroll down the page, whereby the system will then load the rest above the 10. The user will see at the bottom of the screen a count value stating how many of the total is showing currently
Print Barcode Option from Asset Record (Main Site)
The functionality to print a QR code from an asset record on the main site has been added to the More Action dropdown list
When this option is selected, the user is presented with the following screen
Upon selecting the Print button the user is taken to the Print screen. From here the user would select the appropriate printer to print the QR code to and also select the correct format of the label.
Once all selections made, they would then select the Print button and the label will be printed
Associated Asset Field on Tasks presents filtered list from Property/Location field combination
The Associated Asset field on the Task asset move form now filters the Associated Asset field from the combination of the populated Property and Location fields, so that it will only show assets linked to the two fields combination. Note: If only the Property populated, then all the assets related to the Property will be visible.
Currency Symbol selection
The currency symbol shown against cost values, is determined by the Currency Code field on the Lease record Lease Snap Shot UDF and could be the following; , $,
Note: The Property summary page has a few restrictions on number of fields in the sections so that the format is protected when selecting to print as it is set to a one page format. The restrictions are as follows;
Property Summary: 12 fields (excluding address)
Event Dates: 6 fields
Costs: 6 fields (Not including the Totals field)
Managing Roles for Contact Users
Users can now manage user accounts from the contact record without having Admin access.
FAL settings
The following FAL settings are required to allow selected users the ability to manage user roles from the contact record
Assign Roles in More Options
After setting the FAL, the user will have the following more option
If you want to update a contacts role, then selecting the Assigned Roles option, the user will see the following screen, from here they are able to toggle ON and OFF the relevant roles they want to assign/remove from the contact
Once they have set the roles they want to assign/remove and upon selecting the SAVE button, the user will get a confirmation of their actions
Contact Record changes reflected in Manage User function is System Admin
The changes made on the Contact record will be reflected in the Admin Manage User screen within Tools > System Admin
System Admin > Manage User changes reflected in Contact record
This is also the case, if a user is assigned roles in Sys Admin > manage user, this will also update the contact record front end
Bulk Assign Roles in Contact Record Basket Function
User is now able to Bulk Assign roles from the Contact Record Basket function
Contacts without an account in Bulk Assign
Contacts that do not have an account set up will present an alert when trying to bulk assign
If selected contacts I basket have contacts, then the changes will take affect and the following confirmation screen will be presented. This will also be reflected in the manage User function in System Admin
The user role heading has been added to the Contact Search Column List
This is so that contacts with multiple roles are easily identified to avoid confusion and thinking there are duplicate entries
Mobile enhancement for managing PPMs
Checked actions list to be recorded on PPM WO
When a user actions the scheduled actions on a checkpoint and ticks the lines on the mobile option, this is now recorded against the Occurrence on the main site work order plans tab
Remove work order evidence option on PPM WO
There was a work order evidence option on the PPM WO screen, this has now been removed
Text on Heading
The header text on a PPM WO has been reviewed as it did not relate to the PPM Occurrence name
Upload Occurrence evidence
The issue where a PPM document upload was prompted as successfully uploaded on mobile, but was not seen on the Main site Occurrence record has now been resolved. The uploaded document now also indicates with a value to show number of attachments uploaded on the option menu. The user now also has the ability to review the uploaded document via a download button
Ability to search via Status and Location Fields on Mobile Summary screen filter
Additional filter options have been added so that user can now filter via a Status and a Property Location on the mobile My Summary screen
Main Site PPM enhancements
Ability to manage Daily and Weekly PPM Occurrences generated
Additional functionality has been added to the both the PPM template and Plans, so that the smaller frequencies do not generate a greater amount of occurrences, thus potentially slowing the system down.
A new dropdown field has been added with selections of Hard and Soft options available to be set. When creating from Templates or Plans options, the option will be set as Hard as default. This means that the schedules will generate as current with no restrictions on amount. If Soft is selected, then this will limit the amount of scheduled occurrences that will generate and will accommodate the Daily and Weekly frequencies
There is a setting that controls the number of occurrences that will be generated, and this configuration setting is MinNumberOfPlannedOccurrences which is set to 3. This means that for the larger frequencies, say Yearly frequency, the system will generate 3 Occurrences. But if Soft is selected, then the number of Occurrences follows a different logic whereby for Daily frequencies, the system will generate 30 days worth and likewise for Weekly frequencies, it will generate 4 weekly occurrences. So for the smaller frequencies, it will only generate 1 months worth. Therefore as each Occurrence is completed, it will generate the next thus allowing the user to control the amounts they have to handle
When a Plan is created, the schedule that will be produced and visible will only be for 4 weeks for Daily and 4 Occurrences for weekly frequencies
Ability to add an Engineer to Checkpoints when creating a Plan
There is now the ability to add an engineer at checkpoint level so that if there is a regular engineer that carries out this type of work, then if populated, they will be assigned to the PPM WO generated. This would be useful for Directly Employed Labour. Note: For engineer to be searchable, they must be associated to the Supplier in order for them to be found
Engineer appears on the PPM WO when generated
PPM WO attachments amended for PPM type
The attachments that are sent to engineers working on PPM WOs has been amended to reflect the PPM details
Ability to send PPM WOs notifications when engineer assigned
Functionality has been updated so that when an engineer is assigned to a generated planned work order (Edited), at the point of saving, the system will now send a notification email to the engineer with the attached document detailing the work they need to carryout
How are engineers notified for auto populated engineers from plan
For work orders where the engineer is populated from the plan, the email is sent when the Work Order is created. The notifications get created when the Occurrence changes from Forecasted to Open status.
PPM WOs to send out notifications when assigned Weekly and Daily Frequencies
With the lower Daily and Weekly frequency PPM occurrences, we have introduced a new 2 weekly notification which includes a Months worth of work order details so the user is able to manage smaller amounts as the system now generates up to a months worth of work orders for these frequencies
Bulk Changes - Paperwork requirements
An additional bulk change option has been added to the Plans basket screen, so that users are able to bulk change the Paperwork Requirements for checkpoints
Additional Bulk option can be seen in the dropdown list
Minimise unrequired checkpoint section on edit template
When a plan is edited that was create from a Template, then the blank create checkpoint section is no longer visible as the template has already got checkpoints created within it.
However if a standalone plan is created without a template, then the create checkpoint section is visible to allow the user to add checkpoints.
Amend text on actions on plans
The ability to add actions when a Plan is created from a template has been removed, as the actions are formed as part of creating the template and are transferred to the plan
New PPM Occurrence Search Filters
Two new columns have been added to the Occurrence Search screen, to make it easier for users to filter active Occurrences and Plans
Obsolete PPM WOs upon PPM Plan deactivation
When a maintenance Plan is deactivated, the scheduled work orders linked to the plan that are not at Failed, Superseded, Completed or skipped will now be obsoleted and will not be seen when searched for within the Work Order search screen. If however, the user is to re-activate the Plan, then only the work orders that are within the Due dates, will become active again to be progressed
The message the user will receive when deactivation a Plan is as follows. It will inform them of the number of work orders that will be obsoleted. They will have to give a mandatory reason (10 characters or more) as to why they are deactivating the plan and at the point of confirming, there will be a notification sent to the supplier/engineer informing them of the cancellation of the work order/s
At this point, the work orders that were obsoleted will not be seen on the work order search screen, unless the user sets the global filter to show these.
Obsoleted work orders cannot be seen on search screen
With Filter set to show obsolete
The obsolete work orders will be visible on search screen
The user will see the following indication on the Plans search screen to show the deactivation.
The user will see two icons against the plan that has been deactivated. The first lets them know that the clock has been stopped and that no more work orders will be generated and the second denotes the deactivation of the plan. A Stop the clock prompt will alert the user that this is happening
If the plan requires to be re-activated, then only the Occurrences that are within the due dates of the plan will generate work orders. Therefore any that are skipped, Superseded, Obsoleted and Failed will be ignored
The user will need to remember that the clock will not automatically restart as the user may want to start to generate the work orders at a later date, but just activates the plan in readiness. The user will see the following icon on the plans scree to denote the clock requires to be restarted (Manually). At the point of resuming, the Occurrences will start to generate the work orders and a user alert prompt will be displayed to prompt the user that they need to resume the clock
Deactivating Plans in Bulk using basket function
Users can now have a bulk action added to deactivate plans via the basket function. The process described in the deactivating a plan is adopted/followed for messages and notifications when this option is used. The user will also get the same icons shown on the search screen
Ability to Add additional Engineers to a Work Order
There is now the ability to add additional engineers who may be required to assist on a piece of work. A lead engineer can be assigned and a team to be added to support him.
Main Site WO view
There is now an area on the work order whereby the user is able to add additional engineers that may need to provide assistance to carryout a piece of work. E.G. a team of engineers to complete repairs to a section of the road.
On the work order screen, there are a couple of changes to the Responsibility section. A) Label change to denote a Lead Engineer who will initially get the work assigned when accessing on the mobile device B) area where the user is able to add any additional engineers that will assist the lead engineer
When the user searches for additional engineers to add, the lists presented will/can include contacts, Mailing groups and Contact Groups as teams may be set up within the groups. At the point of selecting the group, the contacts within the groups will be added to the list
Note: If a contact already exists, the system will alert the user with an Orange Toaster alert at the top of the screen and will not add to the list
Mobile WO View of additional engineers added
When additional engineers are added to a work order, these can be seen by the lead engineer only on the work details view on the device
Create Service Request from Asset (Main Site)
Users are now able to create Service Request from an Asset record if they have permissions to create SRs
From the Asset More Actions dropdown options, the user will select the Create Service Request option, the system will prompt the user to confirm they want to create an SR. Upon selecting Confirm Option, they will be taken to the SR screen to populate the required fields
Create a Service Request from an Asset
Navigating to the Asset
Mobile users (with permissions) are able to create Service Request from an Asset. To get to the Create SR option, the user will need to search for the asset either by scanning the QR/Barcode and then to view the asset record. At this point, the user will have the option to create SR.
Creating the SR from Asset
When the Create SR option is selected, the user will be presented with a confirmation prompt and upon selecting Yes a blank Create SR form will be presented
The user will populate the required fields of the Create SR form and then select Save button. The system will then show the user what they have just entered and will have the opportunity to edit details if they spot an error. Otherwise, they will select Submit to create the SR. Once they Have completed the SR creation, they would then navigate to the next function they want to complete
Viewing Service Request created by the user
The user is able to view the SRs they have created by accessing via the My Service Requests within the Menu option icon
DMS View Files in Folder
The view folder toggle icon on the DMS screen has been converted to a dropdown option so the user can now change the view to change the view from a list to folders. The Show/Hide option allows the user to either show the list of folders of to hide
New DMS views using the dropdown menus
Change view option toggles the screen between show folders or List views
The show hide option either displays the List of folders or not
DMS Folders Publisher not needed
The publisher heading within the folder list section has been removed
DMS Setting security allow to update sub folders when setting parent
A new enhancement has been implemented to optimise folder security management within the DMS. There is now a new tick box option added to security set-up, to alleviate the issue of users facing time constraints when updating security settings for individual subfolders.
Now, when modifying security settings for a parent folder, users have the ability to mark the tick box to apply these changes to all associated subfolders in one action. This means all subfolders can inherit parent folder security, eliminating the need to individually update each subfolder.
Freeze Frame Bulk Edit Assets
The view on the Asset Search Bulk Edit screen has been enhanced to ensure the header of the table is frozen even while users scroll down.
Document Library Subscriptions Users subscribed to a library they cannot access
An 'admin' user is able to subscribe any users to a library even if they do not have access to view the library/documents. The system will send out a notification when a document is uploaded but the user cannot access the actual content. This may be sharing confidential information via the document title.
So there has been development introduced by rearranging the search field and the list presented so its in an easier format to read. Also at the point of adding the contact to subscribe to the library, the system will now show an alert to the user if contacts or contacts within a mailing group currently do not have access to view
New Search format
The search format has been changed so that the search is first and the list of contacts now form below the search field, whereas on the old format the contacts listed above the search field
Alert for Contact with no access to folder
When subscribing contacts to a folder, if they do not currently have access to the folder, the system now alerts the user to let them know and shows which user does not have access. The prompt then advises the user as to what action they need to make to correct the issue
Alert for subscribing contacts within a mailing group with no access
If subscribing a mailing group which contains a contact that does not have access, the following is presented. The mailing group in question will show in a cascade format the contact that has no access so that they can take the appropriate action to either give them access or remove them
Imports to Projects/Events different types of costs from a spreadsheet
A new feature has been added to the Projects module, allowing users to add actual as well as budgeted costs to projects and the events within projects.
Users are now able to import these via the Tools > Import section of the site, using a dedicated template.
Once a file is prepared based on template format then users need to specify import name, select frequency, the record type and then choose source type followed by uploading the file. Lastly, users are to need to interact with the blue Import button to start the import process.
Please note, users should select the Project Transaction Record Type for actual costs and Project Budget for budgeted costs. As shown below:
These imports then populate respective actual and budgeted costs widgets:
Actual Costs:
Budgeted Costs:
Additionally, users are now able to add costs to the aforementioned widgets manually.
On the Expenditure Costs widget, users can manually add costs ensuring mandatory details such as Expenditure Category, Expenditure Type, Reference, Expenditure Date & Amount are populate and with ability to add additional details such as Description, Event and the Capitalised tick box. To add the cost users need to select the Blue Save button, located at the bottom right corner.
While on the Budgeted Costs widget, users can manually add costs ensuring mandatory details such as Financial Period, Reference and Budgeted Cost are populated, with ability to add additional details such as relevant Event and Description. As with Expenditure Costs, users need to press the blue Save button to add the cost to the widget.
Projects users are also able to edit these cost entries to maintain expenditure and budgeted costs on projects. The edit costs screen follows the design of add costs screen, both in the case of add expenditure costs and add budget costs. It can be access within the Edit column on the widgets by interacting with the pencil icon:
Display rolled up costs
Totals of any costs added to projects, via import or manually, are displayed on the Expenditure costs and Budgeted Costs widgets in the format of a breakdown of individual costs and totals per event and project, as seen in the screenshots below:
Ability to add, edit and delete expenditure types and categories
As part of the new feature to add and maintain costs in the Projects module, users can add expenditure types and categories to costs via dropdown menus.
A new administration section Expenditure Administration has been added to allow users to add, edit and delete expenditure types and categories. This section can be found in the left sidebar menu under Project.
These types and categories are then available to users as options when adding costs to projects, as in the screenshots above outlining how to add expenditure costs to the Expenditure Costs widget manually, see below:
Within this new administration screen, users can add categories through the + ADD EXPENDITURE CATEGORY and +ADD EXPENDITURE TYPE buttons on the top right.
The users then have to fill in the details and press the blue Save button.
For Add Expenditure Category users need to fill in the Category name in the Category field, e.g. Wages:
For Add Expenditure Type users need to fill in the Type name in the Type field, e.g. Overtime, and then select the related parent Expenditure Category with an option to add GL Account and a Capitalisable tick box:
They can edit these categories through selecting the Edit pencil icon on a respective row, as well as delete these categories through selecting the X icon on a respective row:
Budget vs Actual Costs
A new widget has been added to the Projects module, allowing users to view rolled-up actual and budgeted costs. The widget provided a comprehensive view comparing these costs side-by-side at project and event level - enabling users to easily monitor expenditure.
Users can select specific events and view the rolled-up costs associated with each, using the dropdown menu option and Search button, facilitating a deeper understanding of project and event finances.
The widget also displays cost variances, providing users with additional insight to aid in decisions regarding resource allocation and budget management.
Display new lines in text stored in UDFs as <br/>
To improve readability, new lines in text stored in UDFs are now displayed. Previously, they were ignored, making it harder to read UDF contents displayed as a longer string of text. This enhancement ensures clearer presentation by respecting new lines.
Additional Actions Under Action Menu in Property Record to Create Lease
Users can now create Lease records directly from Property records via an added action button. The option can be found on the Property record s action menu icon on the top-right corner, under Create Lease .
This automatically transfers property details to the Lease record, minimizing clicks and eliminating the need for some of the manual data entry. Please see example below:
This enhancement simplifies the process, reducing the time and effort previously required to search for properties and create leases separately.
Lease Administration - Failed Postings Tab
A new Failed Posting tab has been added in Lease Transaction Administration, as seen in the screenshots below. The tab is designed after the Transactions , however it only displays Transactions with failed status.
Users can select all failed instances or a custom selection of failed instances using the tick boxes on the left side of the table and navigate towards the Update Status button on the top right of the table to update the status in bulk. This saves the users having to select Get Status on every individual instance. Additionally, the new tab features a Reason for Failure column, displaying Transaction failure reasons for viewing, where available, at table level.
Once a user click on the Update Status button, they will receive a prompt confirming the list of transactions by Reference. Users can then use the red X symbol to remove transactions, they may also Remove All followed by Update or press Close to cancel.
Once users are satisfied with the selection of transactions, pressing Update will update the Status column in the widget with up-to-date information.
Add Headings to the 3 Tasks Home Page widgets
My Tasks
Five new columns have been incorporated into the My Tasks widget table, including Tast type, Task Subtype, Assigned To, Assigned Contact, and Created By, providing users with additional context and information for each task.
Additionally, two new buttons have been introduced to facilitate task filtering, allowing users to easily toggle between viewing "All" tasks and "In Progress" tasks.
Users now also have the option to swiftly filter tasks by Task Type through a convenient multiselect dropdown menu. As seen on the screenshots below. Additionally, users can use the Status dropdown to filter by status.
Please see screenshot below for highlighted changes:
Task Changes
Five new columns have been incorporated into the My Tasks widget table, including Task Type, Task Subtype, Assigned To, Assigned Contact, and Created By, providing users with additional context and information for each task.
Upcoming Tasks
Four new columns have been incorporated into the My Tasks widget table, including Task Type, Task Subtype, Assigned Contact, and Created By, providing users with additional context and information for each task.