Development Areas
Notifications icon
The notifications icon has been improved aesthetically so that the notifications total does not hide the icon. The dropdown that lists the notifications has been reformatted with smaller fonts and better spacing of action icons
DMS Search improvements
Improvements have been made to the Document Management System search functionality. The change allows the user to better control which folders they want to include in the search request.
The new change gives the user the ability to search in a selected Libraries, or to search all libraries
If the user is to chose option ‘Selected Libraries’, then they will see that they are presented with check boxes in the main library pane on the left, from which they can chose the Folder/s they want the search to include. If the user selects ‘All Libraries’, then the search will take into account all the Folders
Ability to Add Materials to a Work Order
Users now have the ability to add materials details that they may use whilst carrying out work and can be captured against the work order so costs can be associated to the work carried out.
FAL control for Materials widget
A new materials widget has been introduced and is managed via the admin FAL settings Tools > Site Admin > Power Menu > Functional Security > Maintenance > Maintenance Work Order > View > Edit Materials and > Delete Material
Material widget on Work Order screen
With user permissions set up to access and manage adding materials on a work order, the user will see the following work order screen
By selecting the ‘Add Material’ button, and the material widget will open up to allow the user to enter the details of the material and save. If suppliers do not appear in the filed, then ensure that they are set up as a type of Vendor.
Once saved, the material item is now stored against the work order. The user with the correct permissions, to be able to Edit or Delete the line
Deleting a material line prompt
If the line needs to be deleted, then the user will be presented with the prompt to add a reason for deleting so that we have an audit of the action. This action will be able to be seen on the audit tab
Ability to define an Organisation Type
This will allow the user to define the Organisation type such as are they a Vendor, Manufacturer, Supplier
On the Organisation record, we have introduced a Type dropdown field, so that users can define the Organisation type
Note: If you want to use these Organisations as suppliers to add materials on work orders, you need to ensure that Organisations are set up as Vendors for them to appear on the suppliers field on the materials widget
Adding Hazards to a Property
The ability to add Hazards to a property has been introduced. Users will now be able to identify, associate and categorise hazards to a location within the property. Hazards can be added via the additional Hazards Tab that has been introduced on the Property record
The user will require to define the following
- The type of category of hazard
- Give a description
- Where the hazard is located
- Finally, select ‘Update’ button and the system will automatically make ‘Active’
At the point of updating, this hazard will show on the Work Order on the main site and on the mobile device when the engineer accesses the work order
Hazard FAL settings on Property record
Permissions can be accessed via Property > View> Property Hazard Tab > Edit & View
Viewing Hazards on a Work Order
Hazards associated to a Property or a location within the property can now be seen by the engineer assigned to the work order. It will give the engineer advanced warning so that they can decide what precautions they may need to take to maintain health and safety whilst they carry out the work
Viewing Hazard on a Work Order on the Mobile device
Hazard seen on Mobile device. By clicking on the Red triangle, the engineer can see the hazard
Hazard FAL setting for Work Order screen
Permissions can be accessed via Maintenance > Maintenance Work Order > View> Property Hazard widget
Ability to set currency type
The system now has the ability to configure to the local currency in the following locations, UK (£), USA ($), FRANCE (€) and New Zealand ($). These are controlled via the admin configuration functionality
Recurring Checkpoints in PPM
Additional functionality has been added within the checkpoint settings to allow for recurring settings to be added.
By selecting the ‘Recurrence Settings’ button, the following screen is presented, and the user can choose from the 4 options Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly to set the recurring formats
Ability to Edit/Obsolete a System Role
In order to better manage System roles, we have introduced additional admin functionality, so that it allows the Admin user the ability to edit and obsolete System roles.
The user can navigate to the role in question via Tools > Site Admin > Power Menu > System Roles
From this screen, the users can either click on the role title, where they can edit the name, or to select the ‘Delete Role’ button to obsolete. Note: If a user is assigned to the role, then you will not be able to delete it.
Switch Help and Doc to Zendesk
Work has been carried out so that users looking for information reference system functionality, will now be directed to Zendesk where reference material can be accessed. Users can then navigate around the site in order to search for relevant information.
The user can access the new views by selecting any of the icons on the pages to bring up the new style search option as shown below. The user can either click on the suggested links, or enter a new search. If we have updated details of the relevant search items, then the system will navigate to the relevant section in Zendesk. This is ongoing work as pages will be updates as and when development is carried out
Example when one of the suggested Links are selected
Example when searching for an item. The user then just selects from the list presented
Ability to Revert Work Order status from Closed to Completed
We have introduced the ability for admin users to be able to revert a Closed status of a work order back to Completed. This would be done in a controlled way. Users with this access will get the option to revert on the WO at the point of Closing the WO
FAL Control for Revert WO Status
Access to this function is set via the FAL control Tools > Site Admin > Power Menu > Functional Security > Maintenance > View > WorkFlow – Revert To Completed
Users with the permission to revert the status will see the following icon on the WO
Limit of Liability field missing on column selector list
Limit of liability field now available on Organisation column selector list
Resolving Service Requests
The system has been updated so that if a Service Request has a 1-to-1 or 1-to-Many relationship with work orders, then the system the user interacts with it in different ways to either cancel or auto resolve the ServiceRequest
Service Request with no work order assigned
If we cancel the SR, then the status of the SR automatically changes to Cancelled
Service Request with 1 Work Order assigned to it - Cancel
With an SR with 1 work order assigned and we Cancel the WO as long as we have not started the work, then we see the following pop up. As the SR is a 1-to-1 relationship, then the user is able to Resolve the Parent SR by selecting Yes in the drop down and adding a comment as to why they are cancelling. The user will not be able to carry out anymore actions on the WO, and the SR status will go to Resolved
ServiceRequest with 1 Work Order assigned to it – Complete (Closed)
With an SR with 1 work order assigned and the WO goes through the work flow process to work done, then to Complete and finally at the point of Closing the WO, The user is prompted with the following pop up. Here they will be able to select to resolve the parent SR from the dropdown.
The user will not be able to carry out anymore actions on the WO, and the SR status will go to Resolved
ServiceRequest with 2 Work Orders assigned – 1 Cancelled and 1 Completed (Closed)
With an SR with 2 work orders assigned and one WO gets cancelled and the other WO goes through the work flow process to work done, then to Complete and finally at the point of Closing the WO, the user is prompted with the following pop up. Here they will be able to select to resolve the parent SR from the dropdown.
The user will not be able to carryout anymore actions on the WOs, and the SR status will go to Resolved
ServiceRequest with 2 Work Orders assigned – Both Cancelled
With an SR with 2 work orders assigned and both get cancelled, the user is prompted with the following pop up. Here they will be able to select to resolve the parent SR from the dropdown.
The user will not be able to carry out anymore actions on the WOs, and the SR status will go to Resolved
ServiceRequest with 2 Work Orders assigned – Both Completed
With an SR with 2 work orders assigned and both go through the work flow process to Closed, the user is prompted with the following pop up at the point of the second WO being set to Closed. Here they will be able to select to resolve the parent SR from the dropdown.
The user will not be able to carry out anymore actions on the WOs, and the SR status will go to Resolved
Lease Module enhancements
New Lease Menu options
There has been introduction of new lease menu options, Transaction Defaults, Transaction Approval and Contact Groups
New Lease FAL settings
New FAL settings have been introduced in order to control the access of the new functionality
Tools > System Admin > Power Menu > Functional Security > Lease
Lease Contact Groups menu
If the user is to carryout Financial administration approvals, then they need to be set up into Contact groups so that they can filter transactions that they will be required to approve and interact with. Firstly contact groups are set up and then members are then added to these groups. This will allow users to filter in the Transaction Administration screen
Adding a New Lease Contact Group
New groups are added by using the +ADD NEW ITEM button
User will add the name of the new contact group and select update as shown below
Adding members to Lease Contact Group
Once a contact group has been added, you can now add members to the group. Firstly select the group you want to add members to by placing a check in the checkbox next to the group name. Then enter the user that you want to add to the group in the Manage members widget
Once you have added all the members to the group and saved the action, you then have the option to make a user the primary (select the radio button next to member), so that they will be the main approver of that group, but the rest of the members will still be able to view the transactions and can action in the absence of the primary nominated member.
Assigning a Lease Contact Group on Property record
Users now have the ability to assign a contact group for Lease transaction approvals. A new field has been introduced which will show all the contact groups that are currently set up, and the user will select from the dropdown list presented
Transaction Administrations menu
For users that have this menu permission, they are allowed to manage Lease financial transactions, create Transaction type and set Transaction Defaults. Each of these functions are separated onto 3 tabs as shown below
The user is able to filter the screen to show by approve name and the group they belong to as well as by date range for Transactions and Due options
Transactions Tab
This tab shows all the transactions from an administrators perspective. From here they can select any that they want to approve by placing a check in the boxes to the left of the transaction lines. They are able to click on the link, which will allow them to get the status of the transaction from the ERP source
Transactions Approval
Transaction Approval confirmation screen
Creating Transaction Types
Admin users can add new transaction types as and when they are required/introduced.
By selecting the +ADD TRANSACTION TYPE button, the following screen is presented
Once types have been set up, the user is able to edit or delete line types using the ‘Edit’ & ‘X’ options.
Note: If a transaction type is deleted, then this will not affect any already in use, but the deleted line will not be available for future use
Transaction Defaults
The user is able to create transaction defaults, via the Transaction Defaults tab. These defaults can be applied to all future leases that have been created if the user wishes to do so by selecting the ‘Apply Defaults’ button. To create new defaults, the user would use the +ADD NEW button
A new lease default pop up window is displayed. Upon saving, the new default line is added to the main tab. Note: Payment window is the time allowed after payment date
An existing Transaction Default line can be edited using the ‘Edit’ option next to the line on the main tab
The following pop up box is displayed when editing. User would make the relevant changes and then save
Lease Recurring Transaction custom setting functionality
A custom function setting has been introduced when setting up a Recurring Transaction on a Lease record
User with permissions, can add recurring lease transactions from the Recurring Transactions Events widget
The following pop up box is presented. To set up a custom recurring setting, the user will select the ‘Custom’ Frequency option
From the chosen option, the following screen is presented. The user will then select the appropriate recurrence options of Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly. They can also specify certain criteria of when they want the recurrence to action
Below shows a Monthly custom setting. If this setting needs changing, there is an edit function next to the Monthly field
The output from this setting will result in the recurring transactions populating the Ledger – Financial Transaction widget with the custom frequencies
Ledger – Financial Widget on Lease record
The output from this setting will result in the recurring transactions populating the Ledger – Financial Transaction widget with the custom frequencies
From this screen, the user is able to export to excel, add transactions and create new recurring transaction events
Adding documents to transaction lines on Ledger – Financial Transaction widget
Users with the correct permissions may carry out the following actions
- Add documents to a transaction line, by using the
icon, which will bring up the document upload screen
- View/delete the document, by clicking on the
link, then clicking on link to view document or use ‘X’ option to delete document
Editing transaction lines on Ledger – Financial Transaction widget
Transaction lines can be amended by using the ‘Edit’ link next to the lines
Here, they are also able to add documents by checking the box. The upload pop up will display upon saving
Statuses and actions on Ledger – Financial Transaction lines
Users are able to mark transaction lines dependant on their status. Statuses and actions are dependant on payment types and can be of the following; Due, Overdue, Scheduled, Forecasted, Paid, Received, Approved, Awaiting Payment, Not Received and Removed. These are updated via the API that runs overnight between the ERP and iSite systems. They update according to the payments being made on the transactions lines
Marking Transaction lines
Transactions can be marked with the following actions, Marked Paid, Remove.
Mark Paid
Remove – Users will have to provide a reason as to why the transaction is removed
What the screen looks like once actions have taken place
User can view the detail of the action by clicking on the link and a removed line can be re-introduced by selecting the
Transaction Approval
Update to Subscriptions
There was an issue raised, whereby as a user when subscribing to a folder they were being notified of all actions against that folder in an individual email – E.G. If a user uploaded 50 documents, the subscriber received 50 emails. The functionality has been further improved so that the user can view what they are subscribed to and they also have the ability to request that they receive a daily digest email so that they are not inundated with emails each time a change happens
From the login name dropdown in the navigation menu, the user would select the ‘View Subscriptions’ option
The user is then presented with the following pop up, showing all the libraries and files they are subscribed to. They are able to delete any they want to disassociate with by selecting the ‘X’ next to the files. Also, they would place a check in the Receive notifications header
Email notification for Subscriptions digest
The following notification will be received by the user after an overnight process. This will detail within the content of the email all the library files that have been updated
Ability to send multiple documents to the recycle bin
We now have the ability for a user to be able to select multiple documents from a folder to send to the recycle bin
User selects the files they want to move to the recycle bin by selecting the add icons to the left of the files. This then adds the files to the basket (shown at the top right)
A new dropdown option has been added, so if the user then clicks on the basket, and then from the dropdown list choose the ‘Move all to recycle bin’ option
The user is prompted to confirm. At which point the documents are removed from folder
Remove documents
There was a requirement for the user to be able to see all documents stored within the library folders that they want to remove. The system will now show them all folder locations where the document maybe be stored. This function will only show the documents they have access to. Any other copies that exist in other folders they will not be able to remove, but will get a indication that other copies will be unaffected and will remain in those folders
Users now have a ‘Remove document’ option against the document drop down list
The following shows the user that there are other locations where the document they want to remove is also stored. So they only have access to remove the document location they have access to. They have the ability to either use the ‘Remove All’ option, or individually remove using the ‘X’ icon next to the library location
Modify Upload document folder selection Modal
Originally when uploading documents on planned maintenance, the upload document folder selection tree allowed the user to both check mark folders, and also highlight folder names. Check marking the folders is actually what selects the folders for upload clicking the names and highlighting them did not do anything, so the highlighting of the name of the folder has now been switched off. Now the user just selects the folder they want to upload to
Bulk Edit option within Asset Shelf
There was a client request to be able to action bulk edits on assets, which required additional fields. The additional fields also required to be added to the column selector list
Bulk edit assets configuration key
In order to accommodate the request, a configuration key has been added to enable the additional fields to be visible as not all clients would need these.
Tools > System admin > Configuration
Additional fields on Bulk Edit screen
To view the additional fields, the user will select the assets that want to bulk edit on the asset search screen and then put these on to the shelf via more actions
Once on the shelf screen, select the assets and then from the dropdown list, select Bulk action
The bulk edit screen is now displayed. The user can now update the fields as required
Bug Fixes
DMS File Uploads hanging on 0kb files
1. When a user uploads bulk documents that include 0kb files by dragging to the selected folder pane, the system would hang due to the 0kb file
User selects the folder they want the files to be uploaded to. They then drag the files to the pane. If a 0kb file is amongst the selected files, the system now alerts the user with a RED toaster message to say that the 0kb file is excluded. This will be seen in the upload pop up that is presented to the user. They will then populate the relevant details and then select ADD and the files will be uploaded.
2. When a user drags bulk files to upload to the ‘Upload documents’ button, 0kb files would hang the system
When a user drags bulk files to upload to the ‘Upload documents’ button, if the bulk files include a 0kb file, the system now disregards the 0kb file, alerts the user with a RED toaster message and allows the other documents to be uploaded
PPM update to schedule notification – Change of suppliers on Plans
Notifications have been updated so that when a supplier is replaced on a maintenance plan, both the new supplier and the replaced supplier are notified of the change. The new supplier will get the plan schedule attached to the notification showing the work they have been assigned to
Work Order Priority Response Time – Editing Name saving issue
Issue whereby when editing a response priority line, the system was reverting back to the original set details and not saving the updates. It was also not allowing the user to add a new priority line. The system now correctly allows you to add new and updates any changes when edited
Populate Fields when creating Task from another Module
When creating a Task from a Lease record, the Related Property field was not populating on the Task record
All related fields are now populating when data searched for
Property – Legal entity is not shown in View Details when populated
When legal entity organisation name field was populated on a Property record within the edit option, it was not showing on the view screen. This has now been resolved and is now populating correctly
Load Template field locks when selecting a PPM template on create Plan
Load Template field has been now been made editable when creating plans. If a user requires to change a selected template, all existing pre-populated fields also clear, allowing the user to re-enter the new template
Unhelpful error messages on UDF fields
The unhelpful error messages shown on UDF fields have now been correct to show the correct detail instead of ‘Please select valid Integer’ message
Work order priorities updating without selecting ‘Update’ button
The issue whereby the changes to work order priorities were updating outside of selecting the ‘Update’ button has now been fixed. Also, the toggle switches cannot be applied unless in edit function and changes will only take affect once ‘Update’ is selected
Work Order Priority issue when made inactive
If a work order priority is made inactive, and then a user tries to make priority changes on an existing work order, the priority field was found to be locked. This has now been resolved, so that the field is selectable to chose another priorities. Also, the inactive priority is not seen in the dropdown list. Vice versa, if priority is made active, then this can be seen in the dropdown list to be selected.
SR target finish date cannot be before target start date
The target finish date on an SR now cannot be set to before the start date. The user will be prompted with a pop up message to alert them